• SIX •

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'I NEVER thought that I'll be seeing him tonight. . .'

"Uwa. . ." she absentmindedly uttered, completely drown at the handsomeness of the guy he spotted on the crowd. The guy is with his friends, chatting and laughing about something. He laughs ever-so-beautifully and Dahyun didn't fail to mentally leave a remark on that.

Jungkook, on the other hand, noticed the dreamy expression on her face while looking somewhere else. Curious of what made her gaped, he followed her gazes. For a second, he thought she was looking at the girl who looks like wearing just a piece of cloth, revealing too much skin, but then, he heard her spoke.

"If I'm not mistaken. . . His name is Cha Eunwoo," Dahyun mumbled dreamily as she continued looking at the man from a distance. She then put her elbow on the table and laid her cheek on the heel of her palm as she continued looking at the man whom she mentioned as Cha Eunwoo.

Realizing that it was a guy whom Dahyun's looking at, he rolled his eyes. He thought hard as he scan the place, looking for the guy who's fairly close to look like a "Cha Eunwoo." Then, it hits him.

'Lee Dongmin. . .' he mused as he finally saw the guy whom his friend is looking at. He rolled his eyes for the nth time. Dongmin is one of the famous guys of their university. He and Jungkook are of the same age, in fact, they entered preschool at the same time and became classmates, but sadly, Jungkook had to stop for a year because of his health condition (and that explained why he and Dahyun became classmates).

For a brief moment, Jungkook felt insecure. Unlike Dongmin, he got a small scar on the cheek - which he got when he was a kid when his older brother roguishly pushed him away and got his cheek scraped the edge of their table, which also happened to be the reason behind why Madame Kim took Jungkook from the Jeons. Dongmin is tall too, he's inches taller than him. He also got a beautiful, pointed nose which made Jungkook felt another bucket of insecurity slopped on his whole.

"He's a year ahead of me. Why didn't I accept his offer of dating him before? I wonder what my life is today when I started dating him---"

"Miserable," Jungkook disgustingly intercepted. Dahyun was immediately snapped out of her stupor.

She didn't realize that she was thinking out loud.

"Huh? What did you say?" she asked, still feeling dazed at the breathtaking visual she'd ever seen, disregarding how Taehyung made her feel it before.

Truthfully, on her previous life, Dahyun's only whipped for Taehyung, and him alone. No one had ever peaked her interest except him. Her world and her eyes are only reserved for Taehyung, thus, she hadn't realized how much she'd wasted for loving the man whom she believed to not loved her. Many charming guys had tried courting Dahyun during her college days, but she refused them all. And when it says "all," that means including the famous and school heartthrob Lee Dongmin who later on used Cha Eunwoo as his screen name when he was scouted by a modelling and acting agency. Before Dahyun faced her tragic fate on her original life, she had seen and watched Cha Eunwoo's dramas and she really found him so attractive in those. She thought it's not bad for a married woman to have a crush on an actor. And for once, she felt like her world crumbled down when she realized that Cha Eunwoo was the same guy who asked her out before his commencement. If she didn't look up for Cha Eunwoo's profile on the internet, she wouldn't know that he was the Lee Dongmin whom she rejected in the past.

Moving on, Dahyun really found him handsome and manly in the dramas he acted on, but now. . . as she looks at the five-year younger version of him, she found him adorable, cooler, fresher. . .

'And yummier. . . Oh, Kim Dahyun! He's not a cupcake!' she mused and immediately scolded her brat-and-wild side of self for thinking bad about the poor lad.

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