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'oi faggot heard you were getting placed' a group of kids around Tobys age stood at the end of the corridor taunting him from afar, the one that spoke scoffed and took a step forward that demonstrated a repellent effect where Toby took an equal step backwards. 'do you remember what happened last time you got a placement. oh wait that was 5 years ago and it lasted a month' Tobys body shuddered in an automated reaction to the horrors that were his memory. his hands threatened to flap yet he held in every urge to move in fear of some sort of adverse effect. 'oh sorry was that a sore subject, its almost like maybe if you stopped being a freak maybe someone would love you'. tears pricked at Tobys eyes complementing the menacing aura of the pack at the end of the dark tunnel, he was back now in the life he once lived out on the streets all alone, his eyesight seemed alot lower down and as he turned back to the end of the tunnel he realised the reality of where he was. he shook his hands frantically in a desperate attempt of grounding yet nothing seemed to be working, the figure was coming closer almost into focus and with a harsh shove he was smashed back into life. through fluttering eyes he could make out a few small figures getting progressively smaller and as he turned slowly the loving eyes of a familiar face. he sat up frantically and turned to Tommy in visible distress, he started rocking in a calming motion so to progress the process faster Tommy held his hand and squeezed enough for Toby to fully regain control of his conscious mind. one the perimeter was fully safe and clear streams of unforgiving tears rushed down his small slightly chubby face.
'tell me you didn't hurt them, we won't get placed if you hurt them. we'll get- you signed- the house-' hiccups of frantic jumbles of words fell messily into the air and Tommy responded first by stroking a thumb over the soft skin of Tobys hand.
'I... I- threatened him but I didn't hurt him' a sigh of relief mixed with slight disappointment and hope that the contract wouldn't be tainted by a simple empty threat. 'what did he say to you' Toby shook his head hoping that enough would make the ever so determined Tommy give up completely. 'what. did. he. say.' Toby cringed outwardly but answered slowly much to his dismay.
'he umm... he said that I was a freak and no one loves me and he called me a... umm... he brought up the other, umm, placement I had' a couple rather aggressive knuckle cracks and one swift movement later and Tommy was off half way down the corridor on a mission that judging by the seething anger trickling off of him knew no end. Toby sprung into a dead sprint and managed to tackle Tommy to the ground yet to no avail as Tommy took off running. 'please' with a swift glance back Tommy hadnt turned the corridor seemingly never to return, Toby plopped his tired body on the floor and sprawled out like a starfish, he stayed in that position for what felt like hours but what was really 10 minutes before Tommy returned. the slight glimmer of hope that Tommys impulsibe nature hadn't screwed this whole thing over fizzled away as fast as the security guard came pummelling clumsily after the small boy. a look of disappointment rushed over Tobys face as his eyes scanned Tommy's features, he'd messed up it was evident in his eyes and his small non verbal plea for forgiveness was shut down by the reflexive darting of Tobys eyes. the taller boy was dragged away by the guard and Toby was left yet again to pick himself up and hide somewhere safe, they weren't allowed back in their rooms after breakfast so he had to find a small space under the stairs to sit in and ponder the consequences of Tommy's actions, 2 more strikes away from a life of abandonment.

Tommy and Toby had found themselves dragged to a room with the security guard that took Tommy, the kid they never bothered to learn the name of and their respective social workers. A warning of sorts toom place, some ranting, angry words and accusations tied up with empty threats. Tommy and Toby sat on opposite sides of the room occasionally looking back at each other for bittersweet comfort when the volume raised too loud, Tommy took the brunt of it all and to save Toby from reliving the days events blamed it on his own issues. Which apparently sparked something in his social worker who deduced this as two whole strikes. Tommy's reaction to this was as it always was, an emotionless stare as if not a drop of feeling was left within the empty shell he portrayed. This new information sent Toby off the hook though as he let his emotions drain from within him, he argued flaws within the logic system and screamed so loud his voice shook with an obvious sadness. terrified of what this could do for them Tommy stood up to calm him and when he succeeded all 3 of the boys were let free due to the request of Tobys social worker. Tommy moved to apologise but was stopped in his tracks quite literally by Tobys surprisingly unloving shove.
'DO YOU EVER THINK ABOUT ANYONE OTHER THAN YOURSELF YOU SELFISH PRICK' words of pure disgust spat out from Tobys usually docile lips, full of rage and hatred and stabbed Tommy's heart harder than any other had. His face dropped as a whole and his features softened to a light hurt that it never dared show, something about Toby sought after the emotions buried deep in Tommy's soul and he could barely hold the single tear that glistened down his cheek.
'I'm sorry i-' the other boy scoffed and turned to walk away, much like the many adults in his life, much like the last time he saw his father, he'd truly done it now, he'd managed at the mere age of 12 to run everyone he'd ever loved away. Instead of wasting energy running after Toby begging him like he had many times prior to grant him the greatest gift of forgiveness, he gave up, for once in his short stubborn life he seemed it unworthy, much like he viewed himself, to beg this time time for Toby to take him back.

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