The School Yard Troubles.

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Simba and I were playing cards when the new kid walked up. Connor was new in town, and he had been watching Simba. I assumed it was because Simba jumped when the bell rang every class and took pills every two and a half hours. I didn't know what Connor was about to do.

He took out an air horn from his backpack. Did he bring that to school? Before I could realize what he was doing, the air horn blared.

Simba dropped the cards and screamed. The air horn was loud. I jumped up and yanked the air horn from him. "What are you doing?" I asked him.

Connor crossed his arms. "I know a wrong kid when I see one. My dad says if you're not normal, get out of society. So I showing everyone what's wrong with him."

"How did you even know he hates loud noise?" I asked. 

"Asked around," Connor said, "Gimme back my horn," he reached for the air horn, but I pulled it away.

"I'm taking this to Mrs Gorila," I told him, "You're mean and I don't think you should have this at school." I grabbed Simba's hand and pulled him back inside the school. Simba was still shook up.

I couldn't believe he thought that about people who are a little different. And calling Simba wrong! I hated Connor right now. 

Mrs. Gorila took Simba aside and gave him his pills. Then she took away Connor's air horn. "I'll have to call Connor's parents. This can't go on. Thank you Nala."

I sat down next to Simba and hugged him. "It's okay," I whispered, "I'll keep him away from you."

Simba, still shaking, hugged me back. "I trust you," he whispered back.

Simba was riding home with me. While, Mom was dropping him off at his house, but we would be in the same car.

Simba climbed in and I got in after him. Then as I closed the door, a rock shattered the window. 

Simba screamed because it was loud. I screamed because there was glass in my leg. Mom screamed because she didn't understand what was happening. Then Mom got a grip and ran to my door.

She carried me out of the car. Mrs. Gorila had heard the screams and came running. She took me while Mom went to get Simba. I held my leg as the glass made my it bleed, a lot. "Don't worry, we'll take care of you," she said rocking me, "You and Simba."

Another mom called 911 and a team came to the school. They pulled the glass out of my leg and helped Simba take his pills. I didn't know who threw the rock and said so. But Simba surprised me.

"I saw Connor throw the rock," he said, "Then he ran away."

I never saw Mrs. Gorila look so mad.

Connor wasn't at school the next day. I didn't mind. But when he never showed up in school at all, I got concerned. I asked Mrs. Gorila.

"We talked to his dad and he only backed up his son's actions," Mrs. Gorila said, "He took Connor out of this school. Sorry for worrying you Nala."

"So, he won't be bothering Simba any more?" I asked.

"Not at this school," Mrs. Gorila said. YES!



I was reading the report Zazu sent me about how King Industries was doing. Getting close to a billion dollars coming in. If only you could see this Muffy.

The door opened. "Sarabi?" Zira called, "Hello? Are you home?"

"In the kitchen," I told her. Zira ran in. 

"I passed my test!" she shouted, "I'm a registered nurse."

I put the papers down and pulled Zira in for a hug. "Congratulations dear. I'm so proud of you. Now you just have to find a job."

Zira pulled back and sat down in a chair. "Actually," she said, "I'm thinking of taking some time off to spend with Nuka. I feel bad leaving him with you so often."

I scoffed at that. "I'm a rich widow, I'm glad for someone to spend time with. But I'm not objecting to you taking some time to relax and be with your son. But Nuka's napping right now, so we can celebrate a little bit."

Zira smiled at that. "What do you have in mind?" she asked. 

I picked up an ad I had found in the mail that morning. "There's a coffee place that delivers. They have some strange choices, but that's New York for you."

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