Not Good Enough.

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The next day, Sarabi took her family out for the day. The whole King family climbed on the bus. Whispers instantly started flying around them. Simba gritted his teeth together and found a seat. Vatani climbed up on his lap. Simba chuckled at her. "Do you always ride on people's laps?" he asked.

"Only when my feet hurt," Vatani said. Taka smiled at his daughter, planning another plot for Simba in his head.

At Central Park, Sarabi, Taka, Zira, and moody Nuka watched Simba teach Vatani soccer. "Look at me Mommy!" she shouted. Zira didn't answer. "Mommy?"

"She fell asleep sweetie," Taka said, covering for his wife, "She was at work late remember? Just have fun. She'll wake up soon."

'Nice save,' Zira said through their secret wordless code. 'What's the plan for killing the target?'

The target of course was Simba. 'For lunch, I'll take the boys to wash hands, leaving a slight poison on the tap for Simba. We're getting some kind of fast food so chances are, he'll be eating a hamburger.'

'With his hands. Brilliant dear! But you better be careful, you're risking Nuka's life as well.' 

'I've got everything under control.'

The King family did go to a fast food place and Taka did put poison on the tap just before Simba turned the water off. But he was in for a shock when he saw what his nephew ordered. Taco salad, to be eaten with a fork.

Then they went to King Industries to show Simba how the company had changed. "I don't really remember much about it," Simba said, "I think I remember one thing about it. Some guy pushed me down and Dad came and picked me up. Any idea when that would have been?"

Sarabi shrugged. "Could have been when you were two and your father found himself interviewing his childhood enemy. He said he was mean to you. But, who knows."

"Dad's childhood enemy asked him for a job?" Simba asked, "Did he give it to him?"

"Not the job he was applying for," Sarabi said, "Turns out, he had been put in jail for stealing from a company like your father's, so your father gave him the janitor job. He's still cleaning up today."

Simba held back laughter as he heard that. "Nice one Dad," he managed to say before bursting out into laughter.

'So?' Zira said in the code, 'What's the new plan?'

'Zazu's going to offer us all something to drink,' Taka said in code back, 'I'll offer to help him and spike Simba's drink. I've never met a teenage boy without an endless stomach.'

'Make sure it's Simba's drink,' Zira coded, 'I'd hate to have one of our children drink that.'

Zazu met them just inside the front doors. "Welcome," he said, "To your father's kingdom as they say. Would anyone like something to drink?"

Simba shook his head. "I just finished my soda from lunch. I'm good."

'Well,' Taka said to reassure his wife, 'You don't have to worry about our children being poisoned.'

'Just kill him already,' Zira coded.

Zazu showed them all around the large building that was King Industries. "Your father worked vary hard to get to where he was when he died," Zazu said, "I have tried to make him proud every single day."

"I'm sure you have Zazu," Simba said. Then he bumped into an old janitor. "Oh, sorry," he said.

"Get out of the way you youth," the janitor said sharply to him, "Can't you see I'm working here?"

"Mr. David Nea," Zazu said, "That's Simba King, son of Mufasa King, future owner."

Sarabi stepped forward. "Boy, I made a good choice when I chose Mufasa, didn't I?"

"Wait," Simba said, "Is this Dad's childhood enemy? The one who asked him for a job?"

"I should have made your father mop the floors of my company," the cranky old janitor said, "Not the way it happened."

Sarabi rolled her eyes. "Some people never change. Let's just move on."

Taka got an idea. With the excuse to get Kovu's meds, he set his plan in motion. After all, the person who had the most reason to kill Mufasa, after him, was his old enemy David Nea. 

David Nea was recruited to the underworld. He'd be giving a huge payment, if he killed Simba King. Taka's plan was for him to try. That way, either Simba will die, or the police will think they caught the man behind Mufasa's murder. Either way, a certain doctor is blameless.

Even better, Taka got paged to the hospital. A huge accident happened downtown. He had an alibi.

Zazu led them to the memorial of Mufasa King. A framed picture of the long dead Business King taken the same day he had died, with five-year old Simba on his lap. "Guess we'll have to change that," Zazu said, pointing to the inscription under the picture.

In loving memory of Mufasa King and his son Simba. Picture taken five hours before they both were tragically killed. 

"Yeah," Simba said, "I guess so." He looked at the picture with a longing look in his eye. The whole Scar thing was coming into his head. This was much worse then the cabin. "I kinda wish it wasn't there at all. You know, because there was no need for a memorial."

Zazu sighed. "We'd all like that Mr. King, but we can't change the past."

Then Vatani screamed. "Angry janitor with a knife!"

Everyone whip around. David Nea had a knife and was charging right at Simba, only to be tackled by the security guards nearby.

"Are you kidding me?!" Zira shouted. She caught herself just in time. "What was he trying to do? Kill us? I vote we get back home as soon as possible."

"I couldn't agree more," Sarabi said, the word Scar coming up in her mind too. That's three times Scar had tried to kill Simba, and three times he had failed. With each try, he was getting more angry at his nephew, who was completely clueless.

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