The Misunderstanding.

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Picking up Nuka early. Vatani was going into surgery to fix part of her spine in a few hours. I was doing the surgery and freaking out. It was my daughter! Do you know how many infants die in surgery? Being a doctor has it's downsides, a lot of downsides.

I was expecting to pick up just Nuka's homework. Miss Vill handed a few papers to me. I took them and left with my son, too worried about what I was doing soon to realize what the top paper said.


Taka should be sedating Vatani right about now. I was working with Nuka on his homework and trying not to freak out. I really should be with Taka on this. Our little girl going into a surgery that could make the difference between life and death for her and I was at home with a fourth grader working on math.

"Mom," Nuka said, "I don't think is part of my schoolwork," Nuka handed me a paper.

On the paper was a phone number and a woman's handwriting. Who ever this was, she's flirting with my husband!

"Excuse me, my dear," I said, "Sarabi, I have to step away for a moment. Could you make sure Nuka does the rest of his math?" After a sure from Sarabi, I walked upstairs to my bedroom and called that number.

"Hello," the woman picked up. How bad for her.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked her, "Dr. Taka King is my husband and I found the paper you gave him."

The other end was quiet. "I thought Taka King was raising his kids on his own. His sister in law is helping him."

I sighed. "I'm a nurse, I often work 12 hour shifts and Taka constantly works 24 hour shifts. That's why we need help. I'm sure you didn't know about me, but I'm warning you. You stay away from my husband or else."

Most people would have agreed to stay away. But this lady surprised me. "How do I know you're really Taka King's wife?"

Oh, she was in for it.

"What proof do you need?" I asked, a little Phamotma sneaking in, "A marriage certificate? You sound like a homewrecker to me. I don't like homewreckers. So I'll give you one more chance. If I find so much as a scrap of paper with this number on it, I'll take matters into my own hands." I slammed the end call button.

All of that was safe to say. If this woman went to the police, saying I threatened her, she'd have only that I wasn't happy with her trying to get with my husband. And if she comes here and plays it for Sarabi or Taka, Taka would set her straight and Sarabi would give her a lecture about trying to steal a man from his family. And it she keeps going for Taka. . . no matter what, Taka is mine and will always be mine. 


Vatani's surgery went perfect. I never want to do that on one of my children ever again. I came home, exhausted, to find an angry Zira sitting on our bed. I was in trouble, I knew it.

"Taka," she said. I knew it was bad when I heard the tone she used. "I found an interesting piece of paper in Nuka's schoolwork. Someone tried flirting with you."

This was news to me. I looked at the paper Zira had crumpled several times over. "I did nothing to egg her on. I don't even know who we're talking about. I never saw that paper. What did you do?"

"Tried to scare her away," Zira said, shrugging and threw the paper in the wastebasket, "She sounds just like a homewrecker."

I put my bag down and sat down next to her. "You know you're mine right?" I asked, "Now and forever, you're mine and I am yours."

"Still doesn't make me any less mad," Zira growled.

"Just don't kill her," I said, then I lowered my voice to a barely audible whisper, "Not because I like her, but because the police are hot on our trail and I don't think tipping them off with a random murder will help."

Zira chuckled. "I would do anything like that dear. I'm a lady. The worst I can do is hit her if she goes too far."

Completely safe to say in case the room was bugged. Being Scar the criminal mastermind who's deeds leave the police clueless has downsides as well. 

"Any idea who this woman is?" I asked.

"She didn't leave a name and all I got is that she knows about Sarabi," Zira sighed, "There's handwriting on the paper if that'll help. Be warned, it's smoking."

"I think I'll risk it," I said. I took the paper from the wastebasket. I knew the writing instantly. "It's Miss Vill, Nuka's teacher."

Zira crossed her arms. "I'm picking Nuka up next chance I get," she snapped, "This Miss Vill needs to know I exist and we're married."

Miss Vill was in for it. Oh well, better her then me. Zira can really get angry when she wants to. I try not to remember when I lost the money for her bus to New York. Granted, I had misplaced it and she could see it behind me, but still.

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