High School's Not A Musical.

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Nala and I walking into our first class as ninth graders, otherwise known as high school freshmen! I had hoped Timon and Pumbaa would be with us when we started high school, but they were in eighth grade. Not too far behind, but still behind. What did I expect? Pumbaa went through fourth grade three times. I wonder if he went through third grade twice. That's just me being silly.

Nala and I sat in our seats in homeroom. "Here we are Simba," she squealed, "High school! Can you believe it?"

"You realize this is the same school we've been at since sixth grade, right?" I asked, "I don't really see the big deal besides the fact that we're only four years away from graduation."

Nala rolled her eyes. "Mom said I can't date until I'm in high school," she winked at me as she said that. I felt my cheeks turn as red as my hair. Nala could really bug me sometimes, but she's pretty so she gets away with it.

Connor and Katie sat next to us. That's what I get for picking a seat by the window, it left two seats open on the far side of Nala ripe for the taking. Of course they would take them.

I sighed and turned my eyes to the kids running up to school because they were late for the first day. Timon and Pumbaa were among those, I tried to wake them up, so did Mr. Eli and Miss Emma. If they're late, it's their fault.

Then class started. There wasn't much to homeroom, attendance, school announcements, that's it. But we stayed where we were because algebra was in that same room and it was next on our lists.

Did I ever mention how much I hate algebra? Since when do numbers and letters mix? And why do people do that? What monster created this?

I was already on the high school team for pretty much everything. I had quit swimming after the whole thing with my scars and the moms thinking they were contagious. I was getting ready for football when Connor came up to me in the locker room.

He tried to kick me in the groin, not sure why, but he failed because I had the cup on already. I was fine, he had a bruise on his knee. "Why did that hurt so much?" he asked.

"I'm wearing protection," I told him, "Why did you do that? Or try to anyway."

Then Connor found himself face to face with the rest of the football team, all bigger and stronger then him. "What are you doing with our new member?" the quarterback asked, "We don't let our team members get bullied or beaten. So scram." I'd never seen Connor run so fast.

"Thanks," I said.

The quarterback gave me a shove, but not a hard one, a friendly one. "Don't mention it new kid. Now let's play!"


Rosie, Abby, Hannah, Daisy, and I were looking for something to do this year. "What on earth is cheer-leading?" Daisy asked, "We didn't have those in England."

"They're girls who cheer on the sport teams," Abby said, "Hey, Nala, isn't Simba on the football team? A football player and a cheerleader, it's classic."

"Really?" Daisy asked.

Hannah nodded. "In like every TV show, the cheerleader and the football player fall for each other. And I mean in every TV show."

"I think I'll try it," Daisy said. She signed her name on the sheet. I saw what she was doing. Simba and I still haven't gone on our date, but he was mine! I signed up too.

Later that day, I passed by the sign-up sheet for cheer-leading. My name was crossed out. Whether Katie did it or it was Daisy, I didn't know. I put my name back on.

Before I left, I found my name crossed out again. This time I also told the coach in charge of cheer-leading.

"Well that doesn't make any sense," she said, "Someone must really not want you on the cheer-leading team. But don't worry. Whether your name's on the sheet or not, I know you're coming so you can just show up. Still, I never had anything like this happen before."

I left, passing by the sign-up sheet. My name was crossed out a third time! Who's doing this?

I walked home with Simba, I told him all about the thing with my name. "That's nuts!" he said, "Why would anyone do that? Would you being a cheerleader be that bad?"

I shrugged. "It's just stupid," I sighed, "But the coach in charge said I could just show up. So, what's up with you?"

"Connor tried to kick me in the groin," Simba said. I winced. I had seen plenty of videos of guys getting hit in that area. It looked like it hurt. "I was getting ready for football so I was good. We wear a lot of protection for football. A lot."

"Good," I said, "What did he do next?"

"He ran. The rest of the team gathered around him and told him to leave. They'll keep him away from me, and you too if you're with me."

"That sounds nice," I said. Now seemed like the time to ask him when he planed to take me out on the date we agreed on like last year. "So, when's our date?"

Simba's hand let go of mine. I felt his arm wrap around my shoulder. "Why don't I pick you up at your house on Saturday and we'll go from there?" he asked. 

I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Sure," I said, giggling happily, "Sounds prefect. What time?"

"When's your curfew?" Simba asked.

"Eight," I said.

"How about six?"

"Works for me," I snickered, "Finally, we're going on our date."

Simba's hand moved down to my waist. I hip-bumped him. He shot me a sly look. It kinda looked like the half smile looking to the side emoji. The 😏 one. I can't wait for Saturday.

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