Chapter 9

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Bella's pov

Once I walked back into the house I walked to the bed where I saw the clothes and I sighed and said well here goes nothing and then I took my human clothes off and I threw them into the bin as I knew I would never wear them again and then I grabbed the clothes from the bed and I put them on me and then I found some shoes on the floor and I put them on me too.

Then I just sat on the bed and started thinking for a bit and then I snapped out of it as I heard some clear their throat so I looked up and I saw a boy and I said oh sorry I must have been daydreaming and the boy said oh don't worry I do it to so you ready to go and I stood up and said yeah I am but who are you and the boy said oh I'm Percy some know me as Perseus I'm the son of Poseidon.

So I gasped and said so your my brother and Percy said yeah I guess I am so how you doing with all the news and I said ok I guess I just still can't believe Poseidon is my father and that I'm an abomination to our kind and Percy said hey now watch what you say you are not an abomination your my sister and I'm sure our father wishes he hadn't did what he did.

Then I said yeah I suppose your right I'm sorry and Percy said it's ok sis and I laughed and said thanks for cheering me up and Percy said no problem and then I said so what age are you and Percy said I'm 19 and I said oh I'm 15 and Percy said oh so I have a younger sister well that's good and I smiled and said how long you been here for and Percy said I've been here 4 years now.

So I said whoa that's a long time and Percy said yeah it is but it's fun at times and I said oh good at least there is that and then me and Percy started laughing and we sat down on my bed and started talking and getting to know each other for a bit and then Percy stood up and said come on we have to get going it's time for the battle game.

Then I said as I stood up oh yeah what is that and Percy said you'll find out now let's go and I said ok let's go then and so then Percy started walking out of the house and I followed him until we got to a grass area in the camp where I saw at least 400 hundred kids standing there and they all have either blue or red body protection on so I knew right away that it was for the battle game they were about to play.

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