Chapter 10

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Bella's pov

As soon as I saw the kids I stopped and said whoa that is a lot of kids and Percy said yeah over the years we have had more and more demi gods come to us and then we train them to learn of their parents and their powers from that parent and I said oh right cool so what is this game and Percy said this game is a competing game where you have 2 teams red and blue and we have to fight each other to receive the other teams flag.

Then I said what no way I'm not fighting anyone I don't know how to fight and Percy said it doesn't matter if or not you can fight all that matters is that you need to learn how to incase you come across an monster on the outside world then I'm not fighting Percy no way I mean I have never fought in my life and I'm not starting now.

Then Percy said yes you are your my sister and you need to be protected and you won't have a choice Chiron will make you train for the sake of the camp and yourself and I said no he won't and Percy said well you'll see and he continued walking until he got to the front of the crowd and I followed him until we got to where Chiron was standing which was in front of all the kids.

When we got to Chiron everyone shut up and Chiron said alright everyone we have a new member to the demi gods and she is the daughter of Poseidon and then I heard lots of whispers in and round the group and I just ignored them as Chiron continued to say so she will need a team to be part of who will take her red or blue and then my brother Percy stepped forward and said we'll take her.

Then Chiron said ok good so Bella go and join your team and I groaned and said fine and I walked over to Percy's blue team and I stood beside Percy and then Chiron said ok so here's the game you fight and you capture the flag so if your all ready go get into you starting positions please.

So then everyone said sure ok and ran into the woods but I just stood there and looked at Chiron and said I don't want to do this I don't like fighting and Chiron said it doesn't matter I need to know how well you fight and how well your powers work now go b fire I call your brother back to make you.

Then I said but Chiron and Chiron said no buts we need to test how you work everyone from the camp gets the test once they start coming here so your no different to them now just go and I moaned and said fine and I ran into the woods until I got to my team and when I did I went up and stood beside Percy and his friends and waited for the game to start.

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