Chapter 16

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Bella's pov

Once we stopped walking I saw we were stopped outside a room with 2 big doors and I saw the man was talking to someone so I looked around the hallway and I saw that there was lots of old stuff in this place and that's when I knew I wasn't in the camp anymore which means my plan to escape is no good anymore and so then I started thinking of where I could be and that's when I remember the last words Thalia said to me which was I'm going to be a good girl and tell dad.

So that's when I gasped and said oh god no please no and I started trying to get out of the man's grip on me but it was to tight and I couldn't get away and so then I started panicking and I said please let me go please and then man laughed and said yeah right no can do because it's not my choice to let you go but I can't see the people who are in charge letting you go either because you my dear are in deep shit you and your father and then he opened the doors we were stopped at and he dragged me into the room while I was trying to get away.

Once I got into the room I looked around and as I looked around I saw 8 big gods sitting on thrown's and I gasped once the man brought me to a stop and I got scared and then a few seconds later the man let go and a God stood up and said well well well you must be Bella Poseidon's daughter I've heard a lot about you and I said oh yeah like how you took away my only father by placing that god damn rule about gods not having contact with their kids.

Then Zeus I think he was called said watch you language Bella because even though I don't like it your still my niece and I shouted I'll never be you niece not after what your daughter did to me and then a woman who I knew as Athena stood up and said Bella dear we know your mad and we can understand that but you must understand each god is only meant to have 1 child and when you father broke that rule then he became disloyal to all of us.

So then I said wait where is my father because I know he's not any of you because if he was he would have spoke to me by now and another man god stood up and said well dear your father is neither here or on earth and I gasped and said what what did you do to him and the man I knew as Hades well we sent him to where all the bad people go and I gasped again and said what you sent him to hell and Hades said yes my hell the hell I rule and if I get my way with your father he will be burnt over and over.

Then I started crying and I said fuck you fuck you all I will go and get him out just like my brother Percy did with his mom because unlike you fucking people I have respect for my family I mean for gods sake Zeus, Hades he's your brother and Zeus said family means nothing to us it makes us weak and I said oh yeah well it does with me if anything it makes me stronger especially when I know it's in danger you assholes and then I closed my eyes and I thought of the spear in my house back at the camp and I summoned it here and then next minute I felt it in my hands.

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