Chapter 11

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Bella's pov

Once the game started everyone started running and started fighting each other and every time someone came near me I jumped and got out of the way and I just ran and then as I ran I looked behind me and saw that Percy was following me and he shouted Bella I'll keep them distracted go and get the flag it's at the end of the ridge.

So I shouted back alright and I ran away from my brother and ran towards the river at the end of the ridge and on my way there 2 boys stopped me so I stopped running and I said alright look I don't have any idea how to fight so maybe you could not fight me and leave me alone and the boys said no sorry and ran at me with their swords and started fighting me.

Then I screamed and got scared and started fighting back and I didn't know how I was doing it but then after a while of fighting one of Percy's friends stepped in and started fighting with me and he sad alright Bella I've got this go get the flag and I said fighting with the boy one last time alright and then I ran away from the boys and I shouted how did I do that and I continued running until I got to the ridge.

So when I got to the river I stopped running and I bent down and grabbed some water over my face and then when I looked up I saw the red flag shining on the water so I looked across the river and I saw it I saw the flag standing there so I stood up and I threw my helmet onto the ground and I ran across the river until I got to the flag and when I did I walked over to it.

Then I went to grab the flag when I heard a jump sound and then I heard a girl say not so fast and I jumped because she freaked me out and I looked up at her and said hey there um I was just about to get my teams flag do you mind and the girl said yes I do because red is my team and then she brought her sword up.

So I said whoa there look I don't want to fight you I don't know how and the girl said yeah well tough cookie and then she brought her sword towards me and she started the fight and so I tried my best to fight her back as I raised my sword to and then after a while if fighting and getting beat I saw the kids crowd round me and the girl and I even saw Percy and his friends he looked afraid for me as I was punched to the ground and no matter how much I tried I couldn't get up I couldn't.

Then all of a sudden while I was lying on the ground I heard a man in my head saying go to the water and so I listened to him and I crawled over to the water even though I was so sore and when I got to the water I put my hand into it and then I heard the man again and he said it will give you great strength and power and then I felt the water roll up my arm and around my whole body and then I looked at my cuts and bruises and I saw they were all gone and I felt so much stronger.

So I jumped up onto my feet and I lifted my sword and I started fighting the boys that came at me and then when I got to the girl she looked scared so I smiled and then I started fighting her and she started fighting me to and finally when the fight was over I had the chance to kill her but I didn't I dropped both mine and her sword and I gave her the sword back and then I walked past her and walked to the red flag.

Then when I got to the flag and I lifted it out of the ground and I held it into the air and I heard and saw my team cheering and some even came over to me and hugged me or patted my back and then I saw Percy and his friends smiling at me and I smiled at them to and then I saw percy mouth good work sis and I smiled and mouthed back thanks bro.

So then Percy said love ya and I said love you to and then 5 minutes after Chiron said alright everyone party at the centre of the camp and everyone shouted all right and ran off to the party spot even Percy and his friends did but I just threw the flag away and I sat back down beside the water and I looked in it and then I said knowning my father would here why why did you have to leave didn't you know mom and I need you.

Then I heard the voice again and it said I left because I had no choice sweetie it was either leave or get you killed and I said yeah well even though I hate you I love you to and the voice said always and forever kid and remember no one can know your my daughter because if Zeus finds out I have 2 children he will either punish you or Percy and I can't let that happen ok and I said yes I understand father.

So then my dad said ok good now go and have fun and get to know your brother and I said yeah I suppose your right thanks for the talk and my dad said your welcome and then the voice disappeared and then I smiled into the water and I stood up and I started walking towards the party wondering if or not I should tell Percy that I talked to dad.

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