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(A/N) please i need prompts T_T i have serious writers block but i really want to write stuff sksskajakajaksjsj

okay, now that it's out of my system.
this chapter is just little snippets of writing with pros and cons of having an extremely tall boyfriend.
though, the cons end up alright so-

Pro: Top Shelf Troubles

You were currently at the store, trying to buy some groceries as your fridge and pantry were barren. You hadn't gone out in a while, choosing not to go out simply because you didn't want to. Sadly, your food wouldn't last forever, especially not in between two people. So here you were, standing in the middle of the aisle with a basket, Ruv somewhere else with another.

You had a lot of groceries to buy, so you two had decided on going separate ways to clear the area faster, wanting to leave as soon as possible.
You squinted at your lazy writing on the paper list and checked off a few items, the basket hanging on your arm slowly growing heavier.

You were nearing the end of your list, and you were determined to finish before Ruv did. It was an unspoken race.

You kept walking in circles around the store, trying to find your favorite snack, but it wasn't anywhere, so you put it off for later and got everything else.

Once everything else had been found, you slowly walked through the aisles again, scrutinizing every detail to find where it could be.
After a while of searching, you finally found it, and rejoiced, until you realized how far away it was.

It was sitting on the top shelf.

You frowned, and thought for a bit.
You looked to your left and to the right, and upon seeing no one around, you set your basket down and tried to climbed some of the shelves.

It was just out of your reach when you spotted something in your peripheral vision, and hopped down, not wanting to get caught. You sighed, trying to figure out how you'd get it down.

You tried reaching for it on your tip-toes, but it didn't work, still out of your grasp.

Then, as your bring your arm down, another arm takes the box/bag and brings it down.
You blink and look towards your mysterious savior, until you notice he isn't mysterious at all.
It was Ruv, of course, the one who you had faintly seen rounding the corner, and he was chuckling about how short you were compared to him, teasing you.

You angrily snatched the (F/S) away from his hand and picked the basket up, stuffing it in.

He half-heartedly apologized to you for the teasing and walked beside you as you both made your way to the checkout lines.

Later that day when you were munching on (F/S), you were thankful for Ruv's towering height, even if it came along with a lot of annoying short-related pestering.


Con: Photography

It was really nice to get to spend time with your boyfriend, especially after a stressful or exhausting week.

Currently, you were going on a casual little date to the aquarium, wanting to make memories that would last until the next time you had enough free time to do whatever you wanted.
For that, pictures were helpful, as well. They retained memories for you, years and years later, and if kept well, can be in good enough condition to make you feel as if you were back in the moment.

Photography was a beautiful thing. The only problem was, it was difficult to have both of you fit in the screen. You only ever took photos when sitting down because it made you fit a little bit better together into the frame of the camera, but this aquarium had no spots to sit in the nice areas.

You sighed, feeling a little sad that you couldn't have a picture together, wanting to have one for your desk or even just for you to look back on in the future.

You kept walking, admiring the colorful fishes swimming all around you. You felt Ruv come to a halt next to you, and you paused, turning to see him admiring a large fish that was quite stunning. You smiled and stood next to him, leaning your head on his arm as you held his hand.

This aquarium was quite large, as well as tall, so Ruv could comfortably walking around without touching the ceiling, which was a problem in some places.
The height also made the tanks look stunning, what with how they seemed to go on forever.  The ceiling was what connected both walls to each other, so you couldn't see where the roof began and the water ended.

All in all, it was beautiful, so you knew you just had to snap some pictures of Ruv.
You took your phone and had him stand in front of a place on the wall where it had multitudes of fish, the colors blurring together as they darted around quickly.

You smiled at him, and though he looked a little awkward standing by himself, you thought it was cute, and loved it.  He offered to take one of you, but you felt unsure, so he began to think.

Suddenly, he turned to you with a strange look and spoke up,
"I have an idea," he said, and you became confused.

"Idea for what?"

"For a picture. Get on my back," he said, which you found odd.

"Are.. are you sure? I'm not so sure I.."

He cut you off with a 'shush' and bent his legs so you could get on. You sighed and complied, eyes widening when he stood up straight. You felt as if you were going up an elevator, soaring, and felt twice as tall, which you probably were right now.

"What now?" You questioned, your arm hanging loosely around his neck and hand gripping his jacket while your legs wrapped around his long torso.

"Now, you take a picture."

You blinked, before you realized how this worked. You smiled at him, though he couldn't see it, and pulled your phone out. He backed up to the glass wall that held all the fish and smiled the best he could, which was actually pretty okay considering his usual smile.

You smiled brightly and held the phone out in front of both of you, your faces fully in frame next to each other.

"Say cheese!" You exclaimed, and your phone camera shuttered, clicking once as the picture was taken. You brought the phone your face to see it and as hoped, it was perfect. You were both fully captured in the photo, and you thought the pose was pretty cute too. You showed it to Ruv and, although his smile was small, you could feel the adoration flow from him to you. Your heart felt warm as you looked at the photo once more before shutting your phone off and stuffing it back in your pocket.

You asked to get down and Ruv made a thinking face, as if he were considering it, before he said fine and let you down, his arm clinging to your waist protectively, and you couldn't feel safer anywhere else.


(A/N)  i have no ideas for chapters please—  also i might do a part 2 cause i have a few ideas for this i dunno

anyways, you're valid and important no matter what anyone's says, so remember to eat, hydrate yourself, and walk around a little just to keep your legs alive lol
have a nice day :]]

oh, also, 1160 words aha

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