Kidnapping the Prince Installment XII

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This Installment is dedicated to BloodyChaos for making the awesome new cover! 

Kidnapping the Prince Installment XII


“Go away!”

“Lynx, just open the door,” and exasperated and slightly muffled voice pleaded.

“I said to go away!” I screeched, lifting my head off of my pillow for a second before flopping back down. The visit to the Locks and the very relatable play that had followed had exhausted and distressed me. A second later I sat back up. “And besides, you know how to pick a lock, just come in if you’re that desperate!”

“Lynx, Willa’s here to talk to you,” Ryan called. “And I don’t have a lock pick. Or a hair pin.” I groaned, but I still got out of bed and shuffled to the door. I had never even heard Willa speak before, and I was curious as to what she would say. Tearing the door open, I growled, “What?”

“Willa has a message from Marse for you,” Ryan explained calmly. I craned my neck to look around him and saw Willa standing a few feet behind, waiting patiently. I shoved Ryan out of the way.

“What?” I snapped at the ever quiet, brown-haired Willa. She blinked at me once before saying coolly.

“You know, milady,” she said the last word caustically, “it’s not ladylike to snap at people.” I narrowed my eyes at her in dislike.

“Those were only the first words I’ve ever heard you speak and already I don’t like you,” I hissed. “Now give me that message.” Willa glared at me, and tossed a strand of partly blonde hair over her shoulder snottily, but reached into her apron pocket and pulled out a scroll similar to the pass Marse had given us to get into the Divine Circle. I snatched it out of Willa’s hand and pointed at the door.

“I don’t think I need anything right now,” I said with a poisonous smile. Willa responded with a look just as scathing, but she left nonetheless.

“Goddesses,” I snorted. “Children these days.” Ryan grinned at my annoyance.

“We need to talk about the prince,” he said, suddenly serious. I moaned.

“Seriously? Way too early for that,” I said, turning to go back to my room, but Ryan grabbed my arm and sat me down forcefully.

“Our time at in the Divine Circle is half over,” Ryan emphasized. “And I know both you and I have questions.” I set down Marse’s message.

“You’re right,” I agreed reluctantly. “And I forgot to tell you earlier about what Dan told me on the first day of the ball about Pentedwell’s current politics.” Ryan looked like he wanted to punch me.

“It’s been four days since then and you haven’t bothered to remember to tell me?” he asked, incredulous. I shrugged.

“I forgot.”

“Just tell me what he said,” Ryan sighed. I recounted Dan’s explanation of the kingdom-that-started-with-N and its war with Vranthyania and Graystumn, as well as Bullgeor not taking a side. Ryan sat in silence for a minute, thinking.

“There are two kingdoms I can think of right now that start with N and have the ability and resources to be in a war right now, which would be Nellmet and Niwels,” he said at last. I felt my heart stop beating for a second.

“Are you sure?” I asked. He nodded.

“Yes. I don’t know which one is in the war right now though. Sometimes I hate how protected the king keeps us.”

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