Kidnapping the Prince Installment XI

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Kidnapping the Prince Installment XI


“And remember me, my dearest Rose, long after I am gone, and dead, and forever asleep. Farewell, my love, farewell to thee!” Dan cried dramatically, throwing his arms wide, as he came in. I frowned at him over my breakfast.

“First, although you are a prince, it is polite to knock before entering,” I scolded, “and second, what in the name of Evalia’s favorite flowerpot was that?” Ryan chuckled, setting down his glass of milk.

“A quote from Marvelette’s play Gone By Dawn. It’s Edward’s goodbye to Rose before he goes on a suicide mission,” Dan explained as he helped himself to some sausages. “It’s what we’ll be watching later today. My father hired the best actors for his birthday, and I think this play is his favorite of all the festivities.”

“Sounds interesting enough,” Ryan said with a yawn.

“Don’t be rude,” I hissed, hoping Dan hadn’t been offended. Evidently he didn’t even notice as he went on with all his usual excitement.

“Anyway, I didn’t come just to tell you what play we’ll be watching today. I am here to continue our tour of the grounds!” Dan declared. “We never did finish that tour, after all.” Ryan groaned.

“It’s so early!” he complained. “And it’s supposed to rain again today,” he added hopefully. I hit him.

“No, it’s not going to rain, there aren’t even any clouds in the sky,” I snapped.

“Raina is perfectly correct,” Dan grinned. “Today, I shall show you the massive, the oppressive, the impressive, Locks!” He jumped up and threw his arms out again, a frequent habit of his as I was coming to find. However annoyingly dramatic he was though, I perked up at the word “Locks.”

“Really?” I asked, setting down my fork. “We really get to see the Locks?” I could hardly contain my excitement. Finally, finally, I could see Lucas again!

“Indeed!” Dan exclaimed happily, seeming just as excited as I was, if not more. “The Locks, where hundreds of horrid criminals meet their justified ends. Murderers, liars, kidnappers, thieves, they’re all there!” I found I couldn’t meet Dan’s eyes anymore. Liars, kidnappers, thieves. Out of the four types of criminals he found suitable to the Locks, I alone occupied three of the titles.

Dan quieted and sat down, waiting for Ryan and me to finish eating. Every few seconds he wouldn’t be able to restrain himself and ask, “Are you done yet?” And every few seconds both Ryan and I would hush him.

When Ryan and I had finally finished breakfast, I had barely pulled the bell rope to call in Talia and Willa before Dan had taken hold of Ryan and me and dragged us out the door.


“So this is the Locks,” I breathed. Even though we were still at least fifty yards away from the dark obsidian tower, we were already in the tower’s shadow. Long and thin windows seemed to squint suspiciously at us from every inch of the tower. Grim guards each equipped with a small arsenal lined the outer wall of the Locks, and a line of archers stood a circle a hundred yards away, all of them facing the tower. Their eyes swept up and down the tower, looking for any criminals attempting escape.

Dan led us to the large metal door at the base of the tower. Upon seeing the prince, the burly guard immediately signaled to someone inside through a small, slit-like window and the heavy door opened silently. A whoosh of cold, stale air swept out, enveloping us, as the door opened. The entire place reeked.

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