Kidnapping the Prince Installment XIII

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Kidnapping the Prince Installment XIII


After having been woken up by Ryan rudely for the past few days, I told Talia to wake me up really early without waking Ryan, which she did obediently a little before dawn.

“Milady, you really shouldn’t make me get up so early,” she had whispered as she left.

“Well, you seem pretty alert, so why not, right?” I had grinned back. I really was curious as to why she seemed so alert and awake.

“And why did you want me to wake you this early anyway?” she had asked curiously. I shrugged.

“I just wanted to get up early.”

Creeping through the sitting room on silent feet in the semi-darkness, I tried the doorknob to Ryan’s room, already knowing it would be locked.

Pulling out a lock pick, I tumbled the lock as quietly as possible; each click seemed loud and jarring in the pre-dawn silence. When the lock finally clicked open, I turned the doorknob with pushing on the door, and when the doorknob wouldn’t turn anymore I shoved the door open quickly to prevent slow, drawn out squeaks. Before the door could hit the wall I tightened my hold on the doorknob and the door came to an abrupt halt.

Turning towards the dark four poster bed, I waited for signs of movement and saw none. The curtains were drawn, but they hung still and unresponsive. Apparently Ryan hadn’t been awoken yet. Creeping silently towards the bed, my breath was shallow with adrenaline. Sweet, sweet revenge. When I was less than a foot away, I reached up, my hand ghostly pale against the dark red velvet curtain, and yanked it back forcefully.

“WAKE UP!” I screeched, jumping onto the lumpy mess of sheets and pillows. No response. Confused, I felt around the bed, searching for Ryan. He wasn’t there. I sat back, extremely confused. He couldn’t have just left. I pulled back the curtains on the other side of the bed and looked around for Ryan. He wasn’t there either.

My hand absently prodded the bed a few more times, and suddenly I realized what was wrong. The bed was cold. That meant he couldn’t have just left. Fear fought its way into my mind; was it possible that someone had discovered our deception and had taken Ryan away? I shook my head as soon as the thought entered my head. If anyone had found out they would have barged in with a full militia and taken both of us away.

“Where the hell are you?” I muttered, standing up again. I planted my hands on my hips, scanning the room to check for him one last time. Still no Ryan.

Shivering slightly, I went to go get my bath robe. I walked in my room, but then remembered that I had left it in the washroom after my last torture session – excuse me, bath – so I turned around and walked across the sitting room to the washroom door. The dark apartment was eerie, especially when I knew I was alone, so instead of going the more reasonable way around all the furniture, I clambered over the couch to get to the washroom quicker. As I passed the front door, one leg on the couch, one leg off, I heard something from outside.

Immediately curious, I crept over to the door and pressed my ear up against it. Straining my senses, I tried to make out the voices beyond, but they didn’t seem to be saying anything, or at least they weren’t speaking in a language I understood. I knew I should probably just ignore it, but curiosity took over and I pulled open the door –


Ryan and Talia pulled out of their affectionate osculation at my shriek, both of them looking beyond mortified. My hands were pressed tightly over my wide open mouth, and my eyes felt like they couldn’t widen any more. Part of me wanted to jump up and down squealing like a typical girl seeing her best friend in love, but another part of me wanted to drag Ryan back inside and give him a good hour-long lecture. At the moment I wasn’t sure which part was larger.

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