Kidnapping the Prince Installment II

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Kidnapping the Prince Installment II

Marse pulled out a sheaf of papers and spread them out on the wide desk. I studied them, taking in the letters written in looped writing, the lists of continuous numbers, and most importantly the maps. This time Marse had produced maps of the Divine Circle and the First Quarter. I whistled, and inkling of what the job might be surfacing in my mind.

“By the goddesses, Marse,” I said in a low voice, gingerly picking up a map of the palace in the Divine Circle, “how did you get these?” Marse smiled smugly. It was near impossible for even nobles to get anywhere near the Divine Circle, let alone a Third Quarter Info, as thief-for-hires like me called people like Marse. People contacted Marse if they required some dirtier tasks done, and then she would gather and relay information regarding the job. After that it was my responsibility to carry them out.

“A little bit of trickery, a great deal of disguise and forgery, and a ton of pure skill,” she said oh-so-humbly. I rolled my eyes. “Just give me the job.”

“Alright. Tonight’s job might end up being tomorrow’s job, and the night after that, and the night after that. In simpler terms, this job is complicated and is going to take a few nights.” Marse stopped to make sure we were still listening and then continued. “I think Lynn has already guessed where this mission will take place and what it will involve, but I’ll say it anyway since Ryan obviously hasn’t.” Ryan’s frown deepened at this. Before Marse opened her mouth again I cut in.

“Tonight’s job, and tomorrow’s and the night after’s, is going to take place in the Divine Circle, and our Object of attention will have something to do with the Royals,” I said excitedly. “And don’t call me Lynn, Marse,” I added.

“Lynn is your real name. Lynx is not a proper name no matter how much you like it,” said Marse with a frown. I stuck my tongue out at her. Childish, but fun. “This job is going to be so much fun!” I squealed.

“And exceedingly challenging,” Marse added. Ryan groaned. He hated challenges. I poked him in the ribs, “Don’t be so negative. It’ll be great.”

“I would think twice before I said that,” Marse contradicted solemnly. “This job isn’t you normal steal the letter and leave kind of thing. Because this time the Object is a person.” She paused, letting that sink in. I froze. Stealing even a quill from the palace would be beyond difficult, not to mention a person. And who would be important enough that his or her disappearance would make a difference to anyone? Suddenly it hit me, but Ryan, for once, spoke first.

“You’re implying that our Object tonight. . . is the prince?” he asked in a hushed voice. Marse nodded.

“That’s insane,” I said, standing up with enough force to almost send the chair toppling backwards. “We are thieves,” I emphasized, “not kidnappers. And as exciting of a job as I think this is, we can’t possibly manage to steal the freaking prince out of his own palace!” Ryan nodded to show his agreement.

“It does seem to be that way,” Marse said calmly, “but the nobleman who appointed the job already provided us with a fairly fail-proof plan.”

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