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Just hours after the extermination of the Minotaur, a horde of dragons appeared from the sky. They joined up with their greatest symbol and held the entire army of the masked people hostage, preventing any of the criminals to escape.

Only after the fact, police boats from the nearest continent of Aziya came to the fortress. There was a small force ready to strike from one of the neighboring islands known by the continent Memleket.

The government of Memleket had been waiting for the past decade to invade the fortress to try to save their civilians and a few from the neighboring continent of Aziya. For many decades, the masked men had always been able to evade from governments of both continents, but were discovered a decade when rumors started to whisper in the city called Hópur on Memleket.

Somehow, it was a leak that came from someone who had discovered what was going on and both governments tried to dispatch a military force to fortress many times. However, somehow the masked men kept the forces at bay threating to kill hostages that were already victims to the Minotaur.

Then the task came to the Mystical Warriors, who managed to go undercover as teenagers and slay the beast. For the longest of time, the masked men were called to be a cult called Wild Hunt. A group that specializes in hunting down teenage hostages to satisfy this minotaur that remained hidden atop a tower built on the top of tall pillars.

That information was retrieved by Harth who managed to read the minds of all the masked men who worshiped the Minotaur as a god, and the Mystical Warriors have the belief gods don't bleed. The Minotaur had no blood, but clouds and fog that bleed from its wounds.

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In the coming hours, the cult had finally been arrested by the conjoined military forces of Memleket and Aziya. The entire organization has been caught, captured, and dissolved like the big cult of Guardians of Ra'siar's Fire. After a while, the dragons flew from the fortress and back to their home hidden beneath the surface of Earth.

The Mystical Warriors stood on in the courtyard and they investigated the wall Divra flung the Minotaur to and left a hole.

They looked at the hole Divra made in the wall and found no traces of any evil residue.

"To think such a specimen would hold certain power," said Harth.

"That's why the dragon's power is called Gift of Endless Power," said Vaskàr. "And the most powerful Gift, at that. I hold only two Gifts, but those combined is in no match against the might of the Gift of Endless Power. The power that only the Silver Dragon can hold, and don't think the colors of purple and silver can change over time. The true color is silver, not purple. I mean, my Mark is purple. And my eyes are silver. I wonder if there is a connection between the power of a dragon and me."

"Believe me, Vaskàr," said Divra. "There is no connection between you and me. You come from two human bloodlines, and I come from a world where mythology comes to reality."

"And all of us are part of a supernatural that also comes to reality," Brade agreed.

Harth removed his eyes from the wall and joined them in unison with the group talking about the dragon's power. "If I recall correctly, there are seven Gifts, right? And our religious texts say there are seven gods...er, I mean deities. Strategy, Skill, Strength, Endless Power, Life, and Temptation: those are what we know about. But the seventh is all unknown. I wonder if that one deity had a chosen child."

"You don't have to change the subject to the deities and the Gifts they bestowed on seven lucky humans," said Vaskàr. "Just focus on annualizing what's on that wall."

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