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It's been two days since Vaskàr and his meet saw the alien ship, and Divra meeting a Silver Dragon that remained alive for over twelve thousand years. During that time, Vaskàr talked with Harry, Nathan, and Jacob to see what plans they had for Atlantis. They had plans already set; they spent a year working with military personal of Memleket to build a large submarine. And it was Jason who coordinated with the Memleket's military to have a good submarine to swim underwater. It would launch from a ship to sail over the ocean bordering between Amerino and Yoroppa.

While the military was doing their thing, Vaskàr spent the two full days reading the book that was left in the procession of Jason in the Temple. According to Jason, it was a book held by his uncle Nuallán. Vaskàr never knew his uncle had a strange book, and the house that the book was held was destroyed five years ago. Somehow, the book survived the explosion.

First, Vaskàr browsed through the entire book, by looking at the pages that held different pictures of an underground cave and its large city-like cavern. The pages were painted with the underground cavern showed a pathway, like walking through a maze. Other pictures painted a few humanlike figures and ruined buildings. All were painted in black lines of elementary shapes: straight lines, circles, triangles, curvy lines, squares, a few ovals. The pictures showed like they were drawn to be a maze of a stick city for stickmen. But there was no line that begins at the Start and ends at the Finish. This looked like a hybrid of a maze, a puzzle, and a map.

The book had about two hundred pages. The first two-thirds had a sense of direction, like navigating through a maze. The final one-third of the book displayed designs of machines like ships and boats, all made to look like animals. And on a strange note, there was something on the last few pages that showed a blue-colored square Vaskàr guessed was a crystal of some sort, but he didn't read what it was about.

Second, after he finished skimming through the pages that displayed the Maze to finding the Atlantis, he read through the lines of words written above and below each picture. The words weren't of the modern language, but they did look hieroglyphics melded with caveman paintings. The writing, too, was composed of black lines: straight, curvy, and diagonal lines.

The writing was hard to translate because he'd never understood the vocabulary as he tried to read. But somehow, his mind began to wander and the images of the writing merged with the words of the modern language. Then he could somehow get a clear image of what was forming in his supernatural mind, and he read it clearly.

He didn't know how he could do this. He allowed his friends to try to read the strange lined writing, but none of them could try to translate. Then Regina tried translating, and she could manage to read it, but faintly.

Vaskàr thought it must have been the Gift of Skill that allowed him and Regina to take minutes to read, but even reading a little reading would easily dose them like an overheated computer.

Regina and Vaskàr sat for two days in the Temple reading the first ten pages, and the ten pages they were able to translate and made notes of the locations that would come and what vantage point they would need to move to. If they had a garrison of people and vehicles on wheels, difficult paths laid ahead of the warriors.

They saw the underground pathway was going to have treacherous paths that would make many tires flat. The fifth page had thin pointy triangles resembling stalactites that stood from both top and bottom and a long descent downward, seeing a person can fall and get spiked. Regina and Vaskàr had a lot of supervising to do on their journey through a swim and a large cave that made Divra's cave-world look like a playground.

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The night of the second day happened before Vaskàr and Regina could translate the eleventh page. They had ten pages, flat. The strange writing was hard for them to do, but they managed to joint down the beginning of the pathway and where to ride from there with exact coordinates.

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