Chapter 3- First and only song

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I almost forgot the chapter's playlist!

Bambina- Vampire Weekend

Dark on me- STARSET


Flashback: One year prior


There is little time for discussion. They have to trust Emi that the lyrics are ready like she promised. For the first time ever, Even Flow, the cover band, will debut an original song. Emi has been working on the lyrics for the instrumental Dabi came up with. He was never that good with words, so he gave his trust to Emi. Every member of the band gave their trust to Emi.

When the band is called up on stage, Emi puts a hand on her heart and gives her fellows a smile of reassurance. Her eyes look so far away. But there is no time to question it.

The first chords of the instrumental start violent and abrasive. Emi enters the rhythm with her voice as the main focus. She is in the middle of the stage, facing the crowd and her song plays along perfectly with the chords of her guitar in sync with her bandmates.

She nods along with the melody, leaning forward on her microphone with ecstasy of the song. The crowd roars in approval.

Her feeble heart can't withstand the thunder of the moment. Her voice never falters even though her heart races at a rapid pace in her chest. It causes her pain, but she pushes through. When the song ends, her eyes widen, taking a glimpse of the light that hits her face directly. Her shoulders drop and her arms relax. The violence in her heart shows no sign of peace. The lightning was gone too soon. Emi displays a smile from ear to ear. One last exhale before her body falls to the side.

Emi's last words were her first and only song.



There is no hate or love in the dark skies he flies in. There is no signal for him to find his home. And when he found something of the kind, he lost it.

He will lie awake forever if it means seeing her breathing one more time.

The cause for his whole being and the antidote for all his sins. How can she just walk away and leave him here? Under him, the streets light up. He keeps the light at bay in the clouds. When Emi's body fell on stage yesterday, Hawks didn't have a reaction. Everything on him fell as well, knowing full well he couldn't go on alone.

Emi was the light guiding him home. In the dark night all alone, he can't find it anymore. He can't stand being in his home because it is nothing but an empty eerie house without Emi.

Clearly, the furniture is still there. All his belongings and memories. But without the love it once held, it's an empty space.

He once was known for being the fastest hero, too fast for his own good. But tonight he roams the sky with no hurries and nowhere to land.

He tried to call for her. Only now Hawks recalls that he tried to call for her when she was no longer there. She never clinged on to life like he did, but he wanted to believe she would be there for him for eternity. Emi became the light of his life and now is a dark star falling far away and Hawks can't catch up to it. Her light has gone dark. She entered his life only to disappear without notice.

All the times he begged her to visit the doctor, all the times he had to remember the girl to take her medicine and she never did. She was always one to live in the limelight of everything. To take her chances at cheating death until she lost.

What an honorless way to go. To think you would be the victor at the game of life only to have it been sweeped away from your feet.

Even if he doesn't want to, Hawks can't help himself but to be mad at her. It isn't worth his anger, but at her funeral he told all his exasperations to Emi's cold body. She left him, how could she leave him.

From that day on, Hawks will grow bags under his eyes and lose himself in whatever new addiction that comes over him. With the passage of time, he will learn how to act normal again without really feeling anything but the aggravation on his chest. He will smile with no shine in his eyes. His voice is friendly but no real glee in his tone.

Many are the times ever since that day when Hawks folds over himself and lets his mind roam the darkness. Many are the nights he roams the dark skies.

Ever since that day, Hawks became wary of the light that preceded him. No one can handle the pest that is his heart, but if they push him, he might let it all out and never come back from it.

How can one explain what is going on inside their head when they don't understand themselves? When one has become so empty of everything that neither love or hate can truly define it. Irritation and solitude are the first and only words one can come up with. However so much more bothers one's heart, because of these complicated emotions, one gives out one single word for it in attempts to hush the voices.



And this is what happened to Emi. As I'm writing this AN, I don't remember very well, but I believe there will be no more flashbacks and the story will continue to move foward from here. I'm pretty sure there are no more flashbacks, but I might be wrong and I'm too lazy to open evernote and check the plot line.

The chapter is really short, but I still you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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