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Katja had been so focused on everything that had happened since releasing Wolf, she hadn't paid any attention to who the current Sprechen was. The witch tasked with leading the Hexen changed every new moon, voted into the position by the rest of the Coven, and Katja desperately hoped it wasn't one of her stricter aunts.

Standing outside the Sprechen's office the following morning, Katja took a deep breath before knocking on the door, then stepped inside when it opened, careful not to trod on Wolf's paws as he strode in beside her.

"My, how you've grown!" exclaimed a familiar voice, and Katja's anxiety lessened ever so slightly as she recognized Tante Gerta wearing the Sprechen's silver and moonstone circlet, rising from where she'd been sitting behind a desk.

She felt even more relieved when she realized Tante Winola and Tante Hedda were there, as well.

A smile lit Sprechen Gerta's face. "Sometimes it seems as if you should still be the little girl I first met all those years ago."

She paused, likely remembering a younger version of Katja arriving at the castle with her mother, but since Katja had no memory of that time and therefore nothing to contribute, she remained silent.

"Well, then," said Sprechen Gerta, "I've had a most interesting report from Winola and Hedda, and it seems they weren't exaggerating. My, that's a big wolf!" It was a moment before she pulled her gaze from Wolf and redirected it at Katja. "Can you tell me about your pet?"

"He's not my pet," Katja said quickly, a blush creeping over her face at the thought of referring to Wolf as her anything. "That is...I just happened to find him."

She tried to repeat the story she and Wolf had come up with the night before.

"He was hurt when I found him...back past the orchard, and...I helped him," she stammered. "I made a metal splint for him until his leg healed. I thought he'd leave once he was well, and I know we're not supposed to have pets in the castle, but..." she looked down at Wolf and made a helpless gesture.

"But now he's become fond of you and doesn't wish to go, does he?" summarized Tante Winola before casting a sympathetic glance at Sprechen Gerta. "Well, it's only natural."

Sprechen Gerta nodded. "Yes, it's certainly understandable," she agreed.

Tante Winola stepped forward. "As I said in my note, I'm certain Katja's wolf didn't mean any harm last night. He was simply being protective."

"I'll vouch for that," offered Tante Hedda. "Since she took care of him, he likely views Katja as part of his pack now, and he was just following his instincts."

Tante Winola gestured towards Wolf. "He's a wild animal. We can't expect him to behave without a little training, but he can't very well get training if Katja's forced to keep him a secret."

Katja managed a wobbly smile of thanks at Tante Winola and Tante Hedda. She didn't understand why they seemed to be advocating for Wolf to stay, but she was immensely grateful for their support, nonetheless.

"Hmm," Sprechen Gerta studied Wolf. "As a wild animal, if he didn't wish to be here, there'd be no keeping him." She tapped her index finger against her chin. "Perhaps it was no accident he made his way here and found you, Katja. In which case, perhaps you were meant to find him, as well. Normally you would be right about no pets in the castle, but given that he's not exactly a pet, it's not exactly the same situation."

She fell silent, mulling over her thoughts, then gave a decisive nod.

"Your wolf is welcome in the castle as long as he chooses to remain," she said. "Have you been able to train him to alert you when he needs to go outside?"

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