stretch marks(fluff)

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-Toni had hated her stomach for years, When she was younger she had these stretch marks--she had such a rough and violence childhood that these were memories-

-She rubbed her hands over these and hoped that they were just go away one day-

-Being a Model with these were like a big no-no-

-Cheryl opens the door to see Toni covering her self and Cheryl questions-

"What happened my love?" Cheryl asks

"N-Nothing My Dear, I- I'm gonna trynna change" Toni says quickly pushing Cheryl out before Cheryl grabs onto the door frame-

"Don't tell me it's about the" Cheryl says looking at Toni's stomach

"It's nothing!" Toni says backing away

-Cheryl grabs her and moves her hands from her stomach to see her stretch marks-

"Your fine Mi Amor" Cheryl says as she rubs against her stretch marks

"You sure? I just don't want you to leave me because I'm not as perfect as you expected" Toni explains

"Mi Amor, Are you kidding me? Don't think that you aren't perfect as I wanted because you are" Cheryl says

"I may have some terrible issues but your not one of them, Your the only thing that is keeping me together...I'm a complete mess without you" Cheryl says while hugging her

"You sure?" Toni asks

"Yes, I'm so sure" Cheryl says

"Now, Come on, We have some shopping to do for the Graduation Party" Cheryl says and picks Toni up and Carries her out the bathroom

"Babe! Im in a bra!" Toni yells while laughing

-Cheryl takes off her shirt and throws to the side-

"We are both in a bra" Cheryl says

-They both sit in the bed in a cuddle position and begins online shopping-

"I love you" Toni says

"I love you too TT" Cheryl says

Ngl- It's hard being a player some days

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