hell and heaven(pt.1)

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"Your out of your damn mind!" I yelled, grabbing my keys

"Me?! Your out of your mind Cher!" Heather yelled back loud

>Cheryl and Heather were arguing outside in the back court yard of Riverdale High. Everyone was looking, watching, listening and recording<

"Im carrying your baby! Yours! And you treat me like shit! Maybe your new bitch will be better for you!" I yell back with heavy teared eyes, as they rolled down my cheek, hot tears went down my cheeks as I walked off to my car getting in and driving off

"Whatever" Heather says as she walks away, as a blonde girl with brown eyes follows her holding her hand

Toni's POV

-I hear yelling from outside, rushing out climbing on the roof of the school to see more as I'm short-

-The yelling turned physical quickly, Heather pushing this redhead down. I knew she was pregnant, So I rushed down quickly helping her up-

"Your dating the nerd! The fake southside nerd!" Heather said snirking as people laughed

-Toni standed up straight and went to Heather full force, pushing her down punching her dragging her around a bit as it got bloody quickly-

-Heather got herself out with a bloody nose and scars and bruises, with a bruised eye-

"Your out of your damn mind!" I hear, the redhead yell

-I backed up as they argued-

-Cher..that nickname sounds familiar but not fully-

-She rushed off in her chair, dropping her keychain, I rushed over to grab her keychain to run after her-

-Before I could even call her to get it, She was off like the wind in her red car-

"Damnit.." I thought


Cheryl was off, in her room crying her heart away, her mother gone off with some new boy of hers, new one every week

-Toni pulled her motorcycle up, fixing her hair knocking on the door-

-Cheryl rushed downstairs fixing herself-

"Hello?" She said softly opening the door

"Oh hey, Uhm.. You dropped this" Toni said looking up

-Cheryl takes it-

"Oh right..Thanks" She says almost closing the door

"Sorry about what happened earlier too" She mentions

"Its okay.."

"If you need someone..to help you especially with the child..you could come to me"

-Cheryl looks up with a glow in her eyes, a glow as in disbelief-

"The names, Toni"


"See you later bombshell" Toni says with a smile, as she walks away, Cheryl watches her get on her motorbike and drive off

-Betty walks up behind her-

-Betty ooo's as Cheryl turns around, closing the door-

"Oh shut up"

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