lovers again

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this is how I want 5x17 for Choni-


Cheryl and Toni wasn't talking for a while, Toni had her beautiful baby and was home in bed

A knock came from her bedroom door

"Come in!" She yelled

-Fangs walked in and put some red roses on her table-


"Before you say anything, They aren't from me..They are from Cheryl" Fangs said

-Fangs gives her a card-

"What do you mean? Me and Cheryl haven't talked in like 2 weeks" Toni question

"I dunno, But if you need me ill be outside"

-Fangs walked out closing and locking the door-

Toni was confused, Its not like they have been dating or even talking..They were ex's, Cheryl moved on to Minvera or She supposed she did

-She opens the card to read the letter and look at the painting in the card-

-Toni smiled at it and grabbed her phone and called Cheryl-

Well..Minvera picked up


Hey Minvera, Is Cheryl there?

Uhm. Yeah but what do you want Toni?

Just give the phone to Cheryl

No. What do you want?

Im not gonna tell you just give the phone to Cheryl.



-Toni hangs up and sighs-


Toni is back to work and is walking in the hallways and finds Cheryl

She walks in the gym and sits next to Cheryl



"I wanted to say Thank you, I would of said it before but Minvera didn't wanna give up the phone"

"Oh No problem and Sorry about her"

-Toni touched her back and Cheryl jumped-

"You okay?"

-Cheryl nods-

"Okay, Ill see you later"

-Toni walks off-

-Cheryl looked as she walked away and sighed-

-Minvera walked in-

"What did I tell you about talking to her"

"Not to talk to her"

-Toni hadn't fully walked out, with her short self she hid between the walls-

-Minvera picks Cheryl up and pushes her on the floor-

-She began screaming at Cheryl-

Cheryl was very sensitive, we all know this type of anger she couldn't deal with

-Minvera stormed out after giving Cheryl marks and bruises and a black eye-

-Toni rushed over-

-She picks her up-

"Cheryl!" Toni says and carries her to her office

-She clean up the blood and put ice on the black eye to slow the pain-

"Can you hear me?.."


"Good, Just stay with me"

Toni had rushed Cheryl to the hospital, With a worried face and her worrying texts to Fangs and Kevin they rushed to Toni's assistant

-Fangs hugged Toni-

"Shes gonna be okay"

-The doctor came out-

"Ms. Topaz?"


"Your wife is doing well, she's awake now"

"Thank you!"

-Toni rushes into Cheryl's room-

"Cheryl! Your okay?" Toni asked sitting in front of Cheryl

"Mhm" Cheryl said while nodding

-For a while, Toni hadn't really smiled but a smile came on her face-

The dimmed room became brighter when they both smiled

-Cheryl leaned over a bit to Toni-

"Hey..Im so sorry for everything" Cheryl said in a low tone

-Toni put her hand on Cheryl's cheek-

She looked in the redhead eyes, they were filled with happenies and truthfulness. Her being the way she is, She said it was okay

"Well..If I have to say, I'm sorry for doing alot of stuff, one mentioning me breaking up with you" Toni said looking down shaking her head

"And another not telling you a few things" Toni continued

She looked at her again, With slience in the room and in the hallways, They maybe thought they have some peace for once

A kiss..A sweet one too with perfect lighting, It wasn't anything extra but just a slow kiss

"I've been wanting to do that for a while now" Toni said

Cheryl smiled and kissed her again

What is seem nothing to them, they were all on eachother again, Toni rubing Cheryl's thigh as they kissed passionately

"Ahem.." Veronica said

-They didn't do anything, but Toni holded up one finger for 'Hold on' and they kissed again-

-They both looked at Veronica, Betty, Fangs, and Kevin-

"Looks like your okay" Veronica said

"Yeah" Cheryl said fumbling with Toni's hand

"We will leave you two lovebirds alone" Veronica said and dragged everyone out

-They looked at eachother-

"Thats your friend" Cheryl said

"Thats also your Friends!" Toni said

choni one shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ