Chapter 6

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All of the BAU team members gathered on he plane the next morning. "So how was pretty boys night?" Derek asked. "Good." Spencer said. "Just good?" Spencer nodded and smiled.

While Spencer was reading the book Emma gave him he stubbled across a page with a highlighted quote that read "people come, people go--they'll drift in and out of your life, almost like characters in a favorite book. When you finally close the cover, the characters have told their story and you start up again with another book, complete with new characters and new adventures." Spencer smiled, closed his eyes, and drifted off into a deep much needed sleep.

A few weeks later Spencer found himself thinking about Emma and the moment they shared together on the balcony, how much he missed her. She's only a three hour train ride away Spencer thought to himself. Spencer jumped as his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by JJ telling everyone to gather for the briefing.

Everyone gathered in the briefing room and sat down. "There's been four murders in Las Vegas the last five days, all women in their 20s with blonde hair." JJ said. "Where were all the victims found?" Aaron asked. "They were all found scattered throughout the Treasure Island Casino with their throats slashed. " JJ explained. "They all look like pretty clean cuts, this isn't our Unsub's first time." Said Morgan. "There's not signs of remorse or overkill." Said Spencer. "We'll figure this out further when we get there, wheels up in thirty." Said Aaron.

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