Chapter 12

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"This morning a man found a body that was stabbed 57 times in Wilmington, North Carolina. The man was Ben bowmen and the body was his brother Arthur Bowmen." Said Penelope. "He must've had a lot of anger to stab someone 57 times." Said Emily. "Over kill do think?" JJ asked. "Statics say people pick a knife instead of a gun because they can get more satisfaction out of stabbing someone rather than just shooting them with one bullet." Said Spencer. "Officers in Wilmington said this was the third body they found like this in the last two years." Penelope explained. "We'll figure this out further when we get to North Carolina, wheels up in thirty." Said Aaron.

After everyone gathered on the jet Spencer went to the back of the jet to try to call Emma but she didn't answer. "Reid!" Aaron called. Spencer put his phone in his pocket and sat on the couch. "Okay, so far we know our Unsub kills someone every year then hesuddenly changes to killing more than one victim a year to two." Said Derek. "Wait when did it turn into two victims?" Spencer asked. "When you were on your phone Garcia told us about the second victim, Samantha O'Donnell. Samantha's body was found two hours ago in the Brunswick River." Derek explained. "Was Samantha stabbed too?" Spencer asked. "The autopsy said that she was stabbed then apparently the Unsub thought that wasn't enough so he tried to drowned her after she was already dead." Said Penelope. "Changed M.O.?" Emily said with a confused look. "More like a elation." JJ added.

When the team arrived in Wilmington Aaron introduced everyone to Officer Blunt. "I'm sure you've heard about our latest victim?" Said Officer Blunt. "Yes, Samantha O'Donnell." "I knew her, Samantha and my daughter Ariel used to be best friends when they were little." "Was Samantha ever known to hangout with the wrong people in school? Fall in with the wrong crowd?" Aaron asked. "No, she was the exact opposite. She was valedictorian of her graduating class and on her way to Boston University." Officer Blunt explained.

The team gathered in the conference room. Aaron got out his phone and called Penelope. "Garcia, I need you to look up all male students in the same graduating class as Samantha O'Donnell." Aaron ordered. "Okay Samantha graduated in a class of over 700 students and about 400 of them were males so I'm going to need something to narrow it down." "Look up male students that might of had trouble at home; abuse, financial troubles, ect." "Okay, that narrowed it down to 20 students, I'll look at each profile and let you know if I find anything." "Thanks Garcia."

"Reid and JJ, I want you guys to go to the first crime scene and look for clues that will help us. Morgan and Prentiss, I want you guys to go to Brunswick River and see if you can find clues there; the Unsub might've left something behind." Aaron ordered. Everyone nodded and left.

"Find anything?" Emily yelled. "Not yet." Derek yelled back. They continued to look around the River. "where do you think he dumped her?" "I don't know, this River is 14 miles long. he could've dumped her anywhere." Said Emily.

JJ and Spencer looked around the room for clues. "So who is she?" JJ asked. "What?" Spencer looked at JJ with a confused look. "Spence, come on." JJ smiled. "Who is she?" Spencer hesitated before answering. "Emma."

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