Final chapter-One

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Dorian paces the cold room where the servant girl just lighted the fire. He has so much going on right now in his head, and in his heart. He is feeling all these feelings at once and it's overwhelming. The past month has been a true rollercoaster. He suddenly became king, and his first task is already defending his kingdom from a foreign threat. He knows kings often die in battle of war, so he would feel crappy if he would die while he barely was able to be a true king to his country. But at the same time he was really happy because he married the love of his life. Which got kidnapped and disappeared without trace. The few trustworthy people around him are either far away or fighting for their lives. The war is drawing near and he still isn't prepared. The peasants that joined his army will still need training so they won't become cannon fodder. He'd rather not lose too many people in this bloody war. He shakes his head at the thought of the witch being right with her prophecy, half a year ago.

"I refuse to let him be taken away. He is my everything. My reason! I need to find him!" And he grabs his fur coat and leaves the room. The guards look up surprised at his sudden outing, but know he is in a foul mood and no one dared to hold him back or at least try to persuade him. When he passes the throne room, Karwin jumps up from his throne. "Please, my king, think about this. If you leave now like this, you might become the target too. And this country will not have a leader to help them with this impending war. Think this through."

The old Dorian would have snapped, but to be frank, Dorian didn't know who he was anymore. Without Camille he was lost. He lost who he was. Or rather, he found who he was with him. Since he is swamped with emotions and feelings he isn't fully aware of everything anymore, blinded by pain and sadness, topped with anger and the worst of all. Fear. He has never felt fear this intense before. It's not good for a king to be fearful. He turns to Karwin. "I can't just stay put like that, waiting for the war to come. I swear. I can't live without him." Dorian speaks and he is shocked at himself. He isn't the type to be blunt and open with his feelings to anyone but Camille. "If I can't live without him, I will go to war, but if I die on the field, I won't cry. I will not fear death because it will be better than living a life without Camille." He can't believe what is spilling from his lips, but he can't seem to stop himself. Theo's lower lip is trembling at this raw display of his inner turmoil. He can't help but the tears jump in his eyes. He softly sobs into the arm of his husband, who didn't seem untouched by seeing his king shedding his feelings in front of him. Showing Karwin that the king is more human than any man he has ever seen.

"Majesty!" A servant runs into the throne room. They all look at him. "I found someone scratching at the doo-" But before he could answer, the door behind him flew open and the halfwolf entered the throneroom, running towards Dorian, falling at his feet, almost kneeling. "Kell!" Dorian leans over and never has been happy about seeing this mut before. If Kell survived, Camille might have too! He scratches behind the ears and Kell huffs. "Where is your master?" He asks, knowing Kell is smarter than a regular dog. God knows, Camille bragged about it forever. Kell seems to be listening. He howls a painful howl and Dorian notices the dent at the ribcage of the dog. Kell seems to be hurt too. "What is it boy? Can someone get a physician here?" He yells and Karwin nods to call for a stable servant because they are the closest to knowing how to care for animals. Soon the man enters the room and looks at Kell, he puts his ear against his back. "He has a severe bruising on his ribcage, but nothing too serious. His breathing is fine so it didn't perforated his lungs. He needs to take it easy for a while." He touches the abdomen of the beast and Kell seems to understand this stranger is trying to help him so he keeps down. "No internal bleedings for now, so it didn't perforate any organs." After saying so he bows and looks at Karwin, who nods his head and gives permission to leave again.


The next morning, he got up and seems to be utmost humble towards the big man, who didn't touch him all night. He feels an overflowing gratefulness for him. He had time all night to think about what just happened. He laid awake for quite some time, worried about Kit and Kell. And even more about Dorian. But not about missing him, because that is evident. But he fears the most for how Dorian will act. He trusts Dorian to be changed in his ways, but he fears that if he is away from his side, Dorian might become impulsive and do something radical and reckless. And the consequences of that decision... Camille shivers at the thought. The women enter the tent and see to their shock that their respected leader is sleeping on the ground while Camille is in the bed, alone. But they know better than to question it. They bring food and water to them, and by them entering the tent, they woke up the giant. He seems to speak a few words to the women, who bow and try to make their way out. "Queen." He says. Camille smiles a warm smile. He nods his head and makes a slight bow. The women enter the tent again and are carrying some pelts and wide, loose clothing. Some branches with grey fabric hanging from it, shaped in a small garland and warm boots with fur lining. The giant is rinsing himself with the waterbassin in the tent and gives them privacy. The women start to undress Camille, who fears again. "This better not be their local wedding clothing...."

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