7 - James's Things [! SMUT !] [rewritten]

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The two canines laid in bed together, in their post-romp sleep, holding each other close. There was nothing more intensely intimate than sleeping next to a new lover, something that James McCloud, Jr. was feeling for (what he might not have cared to admit) was the first time. Wolf, after all, had just slept, but he was so close to the vulpine male he'd just laid claim to, his dreams only mirroring the reality he was subconsciously savoring.

Then, at some point, Wolf awoke, and, after recollecting his situation, brushed sweetly at his fox's side. "Hey. Wake up, dude," he gruffed a little, and rustled himself upright. "Mmf..."
"Uhf..." Fox looked a little perturbed when being awoken, but soon warmly smiled. "Heheh. Hey, Wolf."
"And how's the heroic little boytoy doing, hm?" the wolf remembered one of his teases from the fun beforehand.
"Aw, shut up," the vulpine deeply said, but with a laugh and a smile.
"Psh... You're so cute," Wolf huffed, wrapping his arms around McCloud's sides to pull him closer, and kissing the side of his snout.

"Rrmh..." Fox trilled, now aroused once more with the older wolf holding him so sweetly.
"What, like it?" Wolf snickered, now giving a few rough, primal licks to his lover's cheek.
"Oh, you bet... rgh, I love you," the fox answered, his voice shaky.
"Sounded like you wanna keep me," O'Donnell joked.
"I mean— yeah, you do want to come back to Corneria, don't you?" Fox asked.
"'Course I do, I was... just wondering if you really wanted to date an old smelly wolf instead of someone fresher," the wolf stammered. "This was fun, no lie, but I'd understand..."

"Smelly? Wolf, so long as you wear that cologne, you'd be fine. And you're not old," Fox assured.
"Shit... you're just making my heart melt, Fox," Wolf laughed.
"More than that, apparently," the younger canine said, moving his hand to the twitching tent in the sheets.
"You know it," O'Donnell huffed, and briefly kissed his fox. "Wanna go again?"

"I want the chance to taste you, Wolf," Fox expressed, uncovering the both of their bodies and shuffling down between the other man's legs.
"That was in you a bit ago, y'know," the wolf disclaimed, nevertheless reaching down and stroking himself in front of his new partner's face.
"Mmm, I don't care..." McCloud groaned, starting to run his lips along the wolf dick in front of him.
"Ooh... well, keep at it, then," O'Donnell reluctantly allowed, splaying his legs out a little to make for more room. He let out a sigh, stimulated so pleasantly by the fox's tongue that he started to growl. "Yeah..."

Fox got his lips down past tip, starting to sink down to the shaft. Apparently having already known to watch his teeth, Wolf just laid back and enjoyed, staring down at the willfully submitting vulpine beneath him. "Fuck, you're good," he huffed down, almost in disbelief at how good this mouth around his member felt.

Bobbing his head, Fox got to sucking the larger canine off, his eyes blinking open after having closed them, and staring up at Wolf. His tail swished happily, as he knew he was doing what he'd only pictured before. It was so good, this warm pre starting to wet his lips further than his own slight drool already did.

As much as Wolf enjoyed it, he made sure to not actually choke this hasty guy, delving his fingers into the fur of Fox's cheek and sliding out of his mouth.
"Ahh...! Hhah..." Fox moaned and heaved after having his throat set free, and taking a refreshing breath. His tongue panted out, not too far away from Wolf's tip, his mouth still connected by that sticky mix of precum and spit. This was a sight Wolf took in to the fullest, and he tilted his head a little, letting out an amorous purr.

"Good boy... Keep right on going," O'Donnell encouraged, cupping Fox's cheek as he enjoyed the view, as well as the pleasure granted to him. He throbbed onto Fox's lip, and stroked a bit with his other hand, before aiming right back into his mouth, and hilting back in.
"Ghkk..." McCloud gagged a little, reaching down and rubbing his own hand quickly along his own manhood. He loved this situation, getting his throat full of hot wolf thickness. He raised and lowered his head much quicker along now, and the man above him started to grit his teeth and exhale.

"I'm gonna give you that taste of me you wanted, baby... just a little more— uhhfh, fuuuck," Wolf howled as he came, his sack twitching as he shot his load right down the young fox's throat! He kept his hand on the vulpine's head, gently gripping that cream-colored tuft of fuzz as he got his own share of cream out. Howling again, he tilted his own head back, getting the last of it out.

At first overwhelmed and with a pair of full cheeks, Fox took a slow, hesitant gulp, then another quicker one, and swallowed that hot wolf jizz down. In the middle of that process, he finally yelped himself, and lurched up, his paw shifting back and forth quicker than ever.
"Ah, do it on me if you need to! I wanna bring these sheets," Wolf offered his chest and front. As soon as he even said that, then, he felt that hot spattering onto his body. That was the cum of a happy fox, and Wolf felt just as grateful to have done this.

"Mhff... Wanna shower now?" McCloud asked.
"We should before we make our way back, anyhow, and, ahhah," Wolf laughed, looking down at himself, "I definitely should now. Let me warm it up," he gruffed, getting himself out of bed.

After getting clean, there was a lot of work to do. Wolf's ship was filled to its weight capacity, with things that he cared to bring from the station he called home. Fox meanwhile updated his team, making it clear that he was making his way back to Corneria with Wolf following behind, and that he shouldn't be harmed or arrested whatsoever.

"Fox, come here for a second," Wolf softly barked, with the armful of what used to be James's possessions.
"Ah, those... I'm sorry for getting so worked up earlier, about you having those," the junior McCloud sighed. "But I still wonder why you got them."
"Because I wanted to make sure they got to you," Wolf finally confessed. "They're yours, rightfully. They shouldn't be sitting in some government place, unknown to you, and the risk shouldn't have been taken that they'd have been destroyed. I do treasure them, that's part of why, and I definitely did like your dad. But he's gone, and they're yours."

Fox knew that he would have found such things had he looked for them, especially with the power he now would have had to do so, but O'Donnell did have a point. He felt thankful that someone really cared enough to safely keep them, and to be holding them now because of it.
"And I believe you've inherited something else of his, too," Wolf chuckled.
"And what's that?" the fox asked.
"My affection," the wolf ruffed, bending down to nestle his snout next to Fox's ear. "Love you."
"Oh... Wolf, I love you too," Fox tenderly replied, and wrapped his arms around his former enemy, considering him surely to be a lover now.

"Alright, let's go..." Wolf huffed, climbing into his cockpit. "I left a tracker here in case we forgot something, or if we ever want to do anything with this old rustbucket."
"Maybe we'll come here if we need some peace and quiet," Fox laughed. "And take a look at this."
"Hm?" Wolf turned his head, to see a fox wearing a pair of Ray-Bans.
"James McCloud, reporting for duty," Fox laughed.
"You're right, y'know. And you know you look handsome in 'em," Wolf exclaimed, as he started to take off.

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