Zach ran downstairs wondering why Jack sounded so angry. There he saw Jonah standing in front of the couch holding a gun. "What the hell were you planning on doing with this?" 

"It's not mine," Zach stammered. 

"Then why was it in your bag?" Jonah asked. 

Zach was stunned. Why was he being accused of having a gun? "It's not mine I swear. I didn't even know it was there." 

"Don't you dare lie to me," Jonah snapped.

Zach was shaking. He thought Jonah was his friend. "I'm not lying," he whispered. 

"Speak up!" Jonah yelled getting closer to Zach. 

Zach stumbled as he backed into the wall. Jack stepped forward. "Stop it, Jonah. I believe him. Don't scare him." 

"Why the fuck was there a gun in your bag Zach? If you don't tell me the truth I swear I'll..." Jonah's voice trailed off as he realized what he was doing. 

A dangerous look formed in Zach's eyes as he rose to his feet. "What Jonah? What exactly are you going to do? Shoot me? Go ahead. I don't care." 

"Hey everyone. I'm home... what the fuck?" Daniel stammered. 

Jack took Zach's hand. "Come on. Let's go for a walk on the beach." 

Zach nodded quietly as he followed the older boy. They made it to the beach and walked around for a bit before sitting down. Jack looked at Zach who was shaking, tears streamed down his face. "Zach? Are you okay?" 

Zach shook his head as he traced his finger along the sand. Jack took a breath. "Were you going to hurt yourself?" 

Zach looked tearfully up at Jack before shrugging. Jack nodded. "Did you know the gun was there?" 

Zach didn't reply and Jack didn't know how to take that response. "I'm sorry Jonah scared you. He has a past with guns. Not my business to share but the trauma made him take that too far." 

Zach stood up and left Jack sitting alone on the beach. Though it had been a year with Logan he still always looked out for himself. He wasn't used to people hovering and being protective. He had found his own way from when he was twelve and this was all new to him. 

Jonah was still shaking as he turned the gun over in the tissue. He knew better than to touch it with his bare hands. If that gun had been used for anything he didn't want his DNA on it. Daniel held Corbyn in his arms not really sure what else to do. Corbyn continued looking through Zach's bag. It had all kinds of things in it. 

That night, while everyone was sleeping Zach, crept through the house dressed in all black. He didn't really know when it had come to this. He gently opened Jonah's bedroom door and looked around. He quietly opened the closet and found the gun laying on a pile of clothes that hadn't been folded yet. He took it and put it in his waistband before grabbing the bullets which he put in his pocket. He slowly made his way out of Jonah's room and shut the door. He then snuck into Corbyn's room and looked around. He took the car keys off Corbyn's desk and left the room making sure to close the door quietly. He ran downstairs and into the driveway. He clicked the button on the key and Corbyn's grey sedan's headlights flashed. Zach got in and turned on the car. He slowly backed out of the driveway and onto the road. He knew he had to deal with the gun himself before Jonah did. 

Tyler frowned when he saw the unfamiliar gray sedan pull up. "Zach? I didn't know you had a car." 

"I don't. It belongs to one of the boys that I live with," Zach replied. 

"Stealing cars now? Running away or something?" Tyler asked as he got in. "When did you get your license?" 

Zach shook his head as he pulled back on the road. "Logan was teaching me. I didn't get my license yet." 

"So who's car is this? Jonah's?" Tyler asked with a smirk. 

Zach laughed. "No. His name is Corbyn. He's cute but taken by the other guy named Daniel. Anyways he doesn't know I have it." 

Ten minutes later Zach parked in the bushes a mile past the abandoned house. He reached in the back and pulled out the gun. Tyler's eyes widened. "Where did you get that?" 

"Mitchell. The bastard," Zach muttered as he got out of the car. "You coming?" 

Tyler shrugged, curious what was going to happen. He followed Zach down the road. They were silent during the entire walk. Zach opened the door to the house and the sound of talking was coming from the kitchen. He walked in and slammed the gun on the table. "Really? Why my bag? What the hell did you do?" 

Mitchell smirked. "We figured it was time to officially put you in the gang." 

"I never wanted to join a gang. You knew that. Why did you really put that there," Zach hissed. 

Mitchell rolled his eyes and approached Zach. "I didn't put that there." 

Zach frowned as he looked into Mitchell's eyes. He didn't remember taking the gun. Had he blacked out again? The anger drained from Mitchell's eyes as he looked at Zach. "Maybe you need to start therapy again. I think it's getting worse." 

Zach shook his head. "I don't want therapy." 

"I know. You really need it. Also, I'm cutting you off, Herron. You're too young to be drinking. I never should've allowed it. You were drunk when you left the last time which is probably what made you take the gun," Mitchell said. 

Tyler narrowed his eyes at Mitchell. That boy was lying through his teeth and he could tell. Mitchell smiled at Zach. "Here, have some water." 

"We should be going," Tyler snapped finally getting attention from the boys. 

Zach turned to Tyler and back to Mitchell. "I'm not thirsty thank you. Can I get some stuff from my room though?" 

Mitchell nodded and Zach led Tyler upstairs where they could talk more privately. 

Corbyn woke up later than usual, exhausted from the events from the previous afternoon. He wandered down the hall to Zach's room. It was empty. Before he could react Jonah burst out of the room. "Where's the gun?" 

Corbyn looked out the window and his eyes widened. "Where the hell is my car?" 

Jack frowned. "Did you leave your keys out?" 

"No, they weren't. They were on my desk. I didn't see them this morning," Corbyn mumbled. 

Jack pulled out his phone and dialed Zach's number. "Z, where the hell are you? You did what? You need to come home right now. We all need to talk. I swear no one is angry we just need to understand." 

Zach hung up and turned to Tyler. "Put this in your father's gun room. I don't want Mitchell to do anything else." 

Corbyn sighed with relief when he saw his car pulled into the driveway. Zach walked into the house not making eye contact with anyone as he took a seat at the dining room table. "Corbyn, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken your car." 

"Why did you do it?" Corbyn asked. 

Zach looked at the floor. "I can't tell you." 

Jonah pulled out his phone and set up FaceTime for Logan to join the conversation. "Hey guys what's going?"

"Zach should explain," Jonah muttered.

Zach looked at the floor. "I stole Corbyn's car."

"Why would you do that?" Logan asked in shock.

Zach sighed and went upstairs after gathering his things. "To protect myself."

I didn't know what to do with this chapter so its all over the. The next chapter is gonna be more lighthearted. Love you guys and hope you liked the chapter 💜

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