Being A Lightwood Would Include

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Being a badass shadowhunter.

Being annoyed with mundanes. Or annoyed in general.

Being a pro in fighting in heels.

You and Izzy being besties.

Liking Clary, (in a platonic way).

"You don't have to live a lie, Alec." -"I don't know what you are talking about."

Simon having a crush on you.

Being proud of Alec, when he comes out.

Shipping Malec.

Getting in trouble with your parents.

Being an extremely good at negotiating.

Surprising Raphael by speaking Spanish.

"What, you're not the only one who speaks Spanish, Raphael."

Helping Clary train.

Having a lot of sass.

Putting your life on the line for your friends/family.

Alec and Izzy being extremely protective over you.

Being protective over Alec, Izzy and Max.

Disagreeing with your parents.

Kind of being rebellious.

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