Being Archie's Twin Would Include

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Being born 1 minute before him.

Teasing him about it.

Him telling you to let it go.

Having the same group of friends.

Seeing him with Miss Grundy, and telling him she's no good. Which he doesn't listen to you.

Slapping him across the back of his head.

Glaring at him when he hurts Betty feelings.

Archie being protective over you when you start dating.

Sibling fights.

"I get the last slice of pizza, because I'm the oldest."

"That doesn't entitle you to get the last slice."

"Too late, I got the last slice, you snooze, you lose."

Teasing Archie when he gets grounded.

Archie teasing you when you get grounded.

Driving your dad insane.

Deciding to sleep over at Betty's since, Jughead is staying with your house.

"Where are you going?"

"To stay at Betty's, Jughead gets to sleep over here, why can't I sleep at Betty's or Veronica's?"

"That's different y/n, his only staying with us until his dad gets better, and it's a school night."


"Don't make me ground you."


If someone talks shit about your brother you get all defensive over him, standing up for him.

Vice versa with Archie, when someone is talking rudely about you, Archie stands up for you.

All though you's fight, you's do get along.

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