The Turning Point | Reggie

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Pairing: Reader x Rex OC

Characters: Y/n, Archie, Fred, Rex, Reggie, Betty.

Fandom: Riverdale

Summary: Y/n changes when she realises that her relationship with Reggie was based on a bet. Her father and friends start to get worried when she hangs out with a Southside serpent with a criminal record.

Based on this request

WARNINGS: break ups, hook ups, tears, semi flashbacks, angst, alcohol, drugs, sex (mentioned/implied), fighting, fake id's.

Word Count: 3160

A/n: since you are Archie's twin sister it's only fair your hair colour is red. I apologise that I didn't post this Sunday. Sorry is this is horrible.

Archie took a deep breath, walking up the stairs slowly, until he reached the door. He stopped in front of your bedroom door. To say he was nervous, was an understatement.
He said he would tell you that your relationship with Reggie was based on a bet, that he didn't love you. Though Betty thought she should tell you because after all, she was your best friend. Though Archie disagreed, he thought he should be the one to tell you.

So here Archie was standing in front of your door, his hand raising to knock on your door, only for it to open, revealing you, all dressed up.

"Hey, arch, can't talk going on a date." You rambled, walking past him, only for him to grab your forearm, stopping you.

"What's wrong? Is this important? Because I have somewhere else to be." You questioned.

Archie let out a sigh. He knew this would break you.

"Arch, what is it? What's wrong?" you asked, getting concerned when he didn't speak.

"It's about Reggie." Archie sighed.

"What about Reggie?" you asked, getting impatient.

"He's not in love with you, Y/n, he's using you. Your relationship was based on a bet." Archie spoke.

"You're lying." You denied, glaring at him. How could he lie to you?

"Y/n, I'm telling you the truth, your name is in the book." Archie sighed.

"I don't believe." You growled.

Archie quickly took out his phone, looking down at it. Opening the text message that Betty sent him.

He looked up only to see you half way down the stairs.

"Y/n wait." Archie shouted. Making you turn around.

"Funny joke, Arch, don't you think its." You hissed.

"I'm not joking, look." Archie sighed, handing you his phone.

Your facial expression dropped, as well as your heart beat, as you looked at the photo.

"No." you muttered, a tear falling from your eyes.

You quickly handed it back to him, walking down the stairs.

"No." you sobbed, running your fingers through your red hair.

"y/n." Archie spoke, walking down the stairs.

"I need air." You cried, walking out the door, Archie following you.

"y/n, wait." Archie shouted out, only to get the door slammed in his face.

You walked down the sidewalk. Tears falling from your eyes, your face drained of emotion.

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