два | six more miles

889 71 159

The cold jaws of winter snapped at Prosciuttos skin, his body shivering next to his brother as a gust of cold air ran through the house. The generous blanket he had retrieved before bed for him and Pesci had been snatched off of his body.

"Get up." A commanding voice called, prodding his side with their foot. "We're leaving, pack whatever shit you want to take."

Prosciutto was well aware of who this person was-- the one that turned his morning into a shitty one almost immediately. 

Unlike his brother, doing his best to keep some warmth by pressing into the coat he layed on (even though Risotto was adamant about waking him up), Pesci popped right up from where he slept and stretched his arms, blinking a few times and letting his vision adjust to his surroundings.

The pops and crackles of a fire long dwindled was the only sound in the room, aside from Prosciutto cursing at risotto and kicking him in the leg, and (Y/n) putting everything together in her rucksack.

Wind whistled through the cracks of his home, constructed with weak bricks and strange wallpaper that barely did much to insulate heat-- no, it didn't do anything at all.

While Risotto and Prosciutto has their little cat fight about getting up, Pesci stumbled up a short flight of steps in the corner of the room, waddling over to where he resided with his brother-- a messy bedroom tucked in the shadows of the house.

Let's see... What shall he put together? Brother would probably tell him to bring a few changes of clothes, so he'll grab that. His toothbrush? That's coming too. The plush rabbit his papa got him? Yeah, he cant leave that behind! Not Mister Bon!

A few more random items were thrown and shoved into what was once his schoolbag; the papers, textbooks, and pens he'd no longer have use for being tossed to the ground. There goes a proper education, down the drain thanks to war.

Heavy footsteps thudded up the stairs soon enough, followed by the endless bickering of Risotto and Prosciutto-- Who appeared in either arm of (Y/n) when she appeared in Pescis room.

He offered her a little wave, and set back to shoving random objects into his bag he was sure he would need, ignoring the two children fighting their caretakers hold to claw at each other. He packed crayons, building blocks, a dead flower, a broken stapler... Anything and everything was a necessity.

of course, with her experience, (Y/n) found over half of all those items useless. In an attempt to help the child, she dropped Risotto and Prosciutto to the floor, who immediately charged at each other and tumbled along the dirty ground.

Now, it was clear that the fight wasn't going to end pretty, and to make sure the two stayed alive and without needing stitches, (Y/n)s large hands came over and grasped the two by their heads-- knocking them together and ricocheting them backward.

"Ow- that fucking hurt, you bitch!" Prosciutto whined, rubbing his forehead with teary eyes.

All risotto could mutter was a quiet "....Sorry...." as he pushed himself up from where he lied, hand coming to soothe the pounding pain in his skull.

Finding the two properly disciplined, the soldier shuffled toward Pesci and plucked his bag from his tiny hands, dumping everything out onto the floor and leaving the child puzzled as she picked through them.

Out of the mounds of clothes he somehow managed to put in there, she only pulled out two shirts, and two pants, discarding everything else off to the side. Patiently he waited, watching her drop in his toothbrush, a few pair of underwear, and a tiny hat topped with a pom-pom... Mister Bon left on the floor.

Silent Soldier| Children! La Squadra x fem!readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें