шесть | Disappointing

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(Y/n) perfectly remembers that time she got lost in the woods.

She was out hunting with her brother, Akira, and after going for some geese (or was it deer?) they got separated thanks to the maze of trees they had gone through. If only she hadn't strayed from the path Akira said to take, if only she didn't run near those rocks, would she still be able to speak?

She wasn't too sure. She could never be.

(Y/n) only recalled that horrible moment thanks to the terrifying feeling that she was too slow, that despite going as fast as she could even with a child in one arm and a stranger in the other, she wouldn't be able to catch up to Onward. That's how it felt out in those woods, the day she lost her voice.

She just wasn't fast enough.

She just wasn't strong enough.

But she is now, so there shouldn't be a problem, should there? No, there isn't, so why does it seem like there's no hope of getting back to those few kids? 

It's currently mid-day, from what she could tell with the little light in the sky. Onward would keep moving until nightfall, according to Mario, and it would be moving quite fast. And while that was all fine and dandy, he never told her where they were going, or if they had a destination in mind, meaning she'd have to follow these vanishing tracks left in the snow to god knows where.

Based on the impressions of the snow, the caravan was long gone, most likely needing about an hours worth of running in order to get even relatively close to them.

life is often disappointing. This is something (Y/n) figured out after she lost her ability to speak those many years ago. There are those that will use you, those that will shred you for scraps, and those that think of you as a pawn. Few are kind, and few are forgiving-- and (Y/n) had thought that maybe she should be one of these little rays of hope in this god-forsaken world, and lend a helping hand to those in need of one.

Especially children.

Those tiny little things, with their big eyes, miniscule hands, and spunky spirits, they manage to steal her heart every time-- that, or her money. It really depends on the kids background.

Such an example would be now.

"I'm telling you, get the fuck away!"

My, oh my, what a sour mouth they have!

There came a moment along (Y/n)s running that she felt she might need a moment to catch her breath, and luckily, an old laundromat happened to have the perfect opening for her to warm up a bit and get a break.

The strange man, whom woke up when sat down on a bench, introduced himself as Doppio. It was a peculiar name, that was for sure, but it seemed to suit his mannerisms, being ever so small and meek.

The child wouldn't bother to speak. That, or he simply couldn't, much like (Y/n) herself. The prominent slimness of his cheeks, the thinness of his arm, the hollow growl in his stomach, it all pointed at his dire need of food. 

Leaving Doppio to look after him (only after she somehow convinced him she was no threat, and was trying to help) the soldier went into the backroom in search of the vending machine that this place was bound to have.

And of course, life threw at her another disappointment... or rather, two disappointments.

How was this a let down, some ask? Well clearly anyone would be upset if they were finding children one after another, only proving the irresponsibility of the parents when their time of need comes.

Silent Soldier| Children! La Squadra x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now