четыре | Onward, The Traveling City

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Bright and early the morning came, washing over the cold white encasing the wasteland of a town. Its warm, sunny embrace, pulled (Y/n) from her sleep and beckoned her eyes open again, arms stretching above her head and prompting a little whimper to escape from the child once buried in her embrace.

Risotto groggily opened his eyes, blinking as he strained himself to adjust to the sudden movement from his guardian. Not bothering to get up, or at the very least unmotivated to, he pressed himself back into the crook of her neck and attempted to get even a wink more of sleep in, not expecting a rather large hand to go and fix the blanket so it could come to cover his flushed cheeks... Wait, a blanket?

No, this was no blanket, it was (Y/n)s thick coat shielding him from the stark temperature; But how? Certainly he didn't just imagine Polnareff sleeping with it just last night, did he?

Right, there was no way he had simply switched things around in his head on accident; He explicitly remembers using his own coat to try and warm up him and (Y/n)! (Though it didn't do much in the end)

This discovery snapped him wide awake, naturally, and forced the gears in his head to turn with questions before he even had a chance to think about breakfast.

Polnareff was nowhere to be seen.

It was likely he had given the two the coat when he had left the shelter, but that begs the question, where did he go? When did he leave? Did he take anything with him? Did he steal anything?

Why wasn't (Y/n) concerned? Did she know he left?

Wait, did he take one of those idiots with him?

Risotto shot up from where he rested, craning his neck to get a good look at the bed and counting both pairs of little feet dangling off its side. Good, Prosciutto and Pesci are fine. 

The soldier slowly brought herself to sit up, staring down at the tiny, peculiar little boy heaving quick breaths of worry. Unsure of what could be causing him such strain, she pet his head with a frown and held her palms up.

'What's wrong?'

She didn't seem too concerned with Polnareff's absence, so maybe she was aware of his leave. That, or she didn't care.

Well if she didn't care, than neither should he, so Risotto waved her off and stumbled to his feet, quickly retrieving his little coat that had been neatly folded on the three-legged table and slipping it on. 

Prosciutto let out a little whine when shaken by his shoulder, swatting away (Y/n)s hand and pulling his coat over his head. "Leave me be, devil woman!"

His hissing did nothing but make her sigh, the covers unexpectedly yanked off of him and forcing him to shiver into consciousness and let out a string of curses, making sure to cover Pescis ears beforehand. 

Unmoved, since she couldn't understand anyway, (Y/n) snatched up her coat off of the floor and shook it free of soot and dirt, pulling out her silver whistle she shoved into her pocket and tying it around her neck.

Risotto, also without a care for Prosciuttos rather adamant attempts at offending what was probably the only person wanting to keep them alive, did his best to get his scarf on all by himself, the buttons on his coat slipped through the wrong slots.

Once she was all situated, (Y/n) quickly turned to what some would call her 'first kid', and others, her 'favorite, Risotto; Unbuttoning his jacket and fixing just about anything that was wrong with it-- which was everything.

"Christ, can't wait to walk to nowhere and end up freezing to death." Prosciutto mumbled, allowing the soldier to help him with his coat next. 

"Like I said, if you're too wuss to go on, you can stay behind."

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