Chapter Nine: Emotion-Filled Interruption of Your Previously-Scheduled Program

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Elsewhere, in Ninjago City...

Misako was feeling so many things, she could've written a book then and there.

  She sat on her couch and stared blankly at the TV screen in front of her, not paying attention to anything else but the headline greeting her eyes: NINJAGO HIGH SCHOOL DESTROYED BY LATEST TEMPLAR ATTACK; THREE CONFIRMED DEAD, MANY INJURED, ONE UNACCOUNTED FOR.

   It filled her with rage and overwhelming grief, but most of all, it left a huge hole in her heart. It didn't take a crappy Nancy Drew book to know that her child was the one that was unaccounted for. There probably wasn't even a body left to help identify her baby boy.

And it was all Garmadon's fault.

  How had he not taken into account the fact that he could end up killing the one of the two people that had, at one time, meant the most to him? It was one thing to try to bring up their child in his ruthless, evil ways. It was one thing to force her hand and end their marriage because he couldn't be the man his family needed him to be. It was even one thing to cause a life of suffering and hardship for her and their child.

But to so carelessly wind up killing that child?

He was going to pay his dues in the fires of hell.

  Koko stood up, her grief giving way to the full feeling of murderous rage. She walked to her bedroom, opened her closet, and went straight to the back. She punched a section of wall, leaving a hole in it, and pulled the rest of it away, revealing a cardboard box on the floor. She pulled it out and opened it, feeling a rush of nostalgia. It felt wrong, knowing what she used to do, but right then, who gave a damn? Shaking her head, she put its contents into a backpack, along with some toiletries, clothes, and her phone. She took one last look at her apartment, and then she was gone.

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