Chapter Ten: A Bit of Sound Advice

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  Meanwhile, back in Rome, four other people were also angry—and they were the four people no one should've wanted to make angry.

"This is complete and total bulls**t", Cole growled shoving the door open and walking into the living area of the safehouse. The rest of the plan had been executed, and now the car was a dark shade of silver, but everyone had ramained silent for the rest of the car ride. "All those weeks of planning and preparation, and the f***king Apple was a decoy?!"

Lloyd, Kai, Zane, and Andrea went in after him, fuming. Andrea was mad at being betrayed by her so-called "ally", but the boys were ready to tear some doors off their hinges. "And I got kidnapped—like, taken against my living, could've-died-tonight will—for something that wasn't even real!" Lloyd ranted, putting his gun down on the coffee table and bringing his arm up to his face.

"No!" Kai shouted, pushing Lloyd's arm back down just as the hidden blade extended with a soft snick. "Thanks", Lloyd told him, taking the blade off and collapsing on the couch.

"And don't even think we're done with you!" Cole said, turning to Andrea. "Why were you planning to kill Lacaranzi when you didn't even know you were being set up?"

"I never really trusted him from the start, but I was doing a hit when he first contacted me", she replied. "I was running short on time and not thinking straight, so I agreed to make the exchange and set up the meeting. Of course, when I realized that I was dealing with the leader of an organization whose members kill each other in the streets and backstab like the teens from Gossip Girl, I knew that I had to ensure that if I was being set up that he was, too!"

"So why not just forgo the meeting and find another Apple?" Lloyd asked. "Wouldn't that just be the safe, easy option?"

"Because I was still working for Garmadon and was planning to give it to him", Andrea replied. "I still had a business relationship to maintain." She massaged her temples in a circular motion. "Do you guys have any sweet wine? I really could use some right about now!"

"We'll go get it in a minute", Kai assured her. "Truthfully, I could use some Jack now, anyway!"

Wait, Lloyd thought. They're not legally allowed to drink, but they've got a bunch of alcohol stored somewhere?!

"But", Kai continued, "we need to know everything you do about the locations of the other Apples. Do you have any contacts or something that can help us?"

"Boys, you saved my life tonight and helped me unveil my employer's true intentions. You have my eternal debt and a new ally!" Andrea declared. "I think I have something that can help you. Here, take this!"

She produced a black flash drive from her pocket and handed it to Kai, who examined it carefully. "What's on it?" he asked.

"A while back, I visited Garmadon at Abstergo Labs. He was talking about how his team had put together a digital map of the locations of the remaining Apples, and told me that he'd given every soldier under his command one of these. So, as I'm sure one of you will guess in the next five seconds..."

" killed one of Garmadon's soldiers and stole the flash drive?" Lloyd guessed. "Correct", Andrea told him, smirking. "Of course, after tonight, I would be very careful with what leads I followed." Her face lit up. "Speaking of, I think I heard him mentioning a contact in London who knew something about one of the Apples!"

"Really?" Zane asked, causing everyone to jump. "Dude, you really need to learn to talk more", Lloyd told him, sitting up on the couch.

Andrea smirked at the exchange. "Yes", she replied. "I didn't get his name, though. You're on your own there. Now, can I have my drink?"

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