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        ( I started ) It was a normal beautiful day in Ninjago city. Lán was waking up from her slumber. She got dressed brushed her hair and braided it. She walked outside her dorm room and saw a bunch of students already running around frantically getting ready for morning classes. She went to the cafeteria that was on campus and got herself a cup of coffee. She wasn't going to be functional until she had at least one or two cups. Then finally the first bell rings for classes to start. Lán grabs her stuff and heads straight for her basics class for english. This was the class she struggled with most. To make things worse the teacher was always telling her students if they did something wrong or she would criticize the little things such as how they were dressed or how their grades were. Lán showed up a couple minutes late to class because she had to finish her coffee before entering the room or she wouldn't hear the end of it from the teacher. As she entered the classroom the teacher hollered at Lán " miss Lán! You are terribly late! See me after class and I'll assign you extra work! " Lán sighed and sat down replying with a " yes ma'am. " she had sat down next to a girl she recognized but didn't know her name. It was Rah or something like that. She didn't pay much attention to her and started taking notes. All of a sudden in the middle of class the head master calls for a lock down. The students turned the lights out and got into the corner of the room. Lán had her pistol in her backpack. She pulled out her pistol and loaded it ready to shoot. Surprisingly no one saw her do this. Or so she thought. Rah had seen Lán load her pistol but didn't say anything. Then suddenly a Kodoku soldier burst through the door.

       ( my friend ) When the bus driver shoves rah off the bus, she land ass-first into a puddle. Cold wetness shocks the backs of her thighs. She just needed a ride to school. She live miles away not to mention she totally new even though she was born here. Moving back has not been fun. The bus drivers caterpillar eyebrows stitch as he points his short fat finger at her. "Next time you pay for the bus like everyone else. If I see you sneaking on again, I'm calling the cops!"
"Asshole" she muttered as she got herself up, wiping off the mud from her jeans. She kick water at the bus as it drives away.
" Damn it. And on the coldest wettest day of the year, too. Awesome."
Grabbing her bag, she gain her dignity and strength to walk to school. 'Good thing I choose to leave a hour early and be there a hour early.' She thinks to herself. She rubs her arms with her hands, watching as her breath freezes in the cold air.
'Whatever. I'm closer than I was 10 blocks ago, right? Got to keep walking. I'm so close.'
A storm just blew through last night. It was cold, it was windy and she is wet. Some might call it a beautiful day because the sun is out. Rah just hates it. "Figure out what you want mother nature. Either be warm or don't cause right now, your wind is gonna get me sick" she sniffs and rubs her nose with her finger.  'Great. It looks like I haven't peed in days and decided to pee right now.'
It's not even a few days into spring. She pull out her dagger that she brings with her incase of self defense needs. Spinning it in her hand she sighs and put it back into her bag.  She just had that feeling it needed to be close to her.
She looks up, seeing the gates of the school and no student in sight. She laughs, and pulls on the gate, letting it close shut behind her. She takes off her jacket, revealing the obvious breasts she has been trying to hide for years, and ties it around her waist. "It's hidden for now. I will run to the store during lunch and get me something clean." Walking to her classroom, she sits in the back like she normally does. And early.. just like normal. She hates being late, or even on time for that matter. She gets it  from her mother. Laying her head down on her desk, she falls asleep.
The bell rings and Rah jerks up. Students begin to walk into the room and find the place they want to sit at for the day.
She sits up, rubbing her face with her hands. " ugh" she huffs and leans back into her chair. Just as everyone began to settled, she heard a gaint noise. Which, was soon followed by alarms as well as lock down orders. Everyone went into a panic as our teacher tries to calm the class. Rah looks over and sees a classmate load her pistol. Her eyes widen. 'I'm not the only one?'
Her attention was immediately grabbed with a man burst through the door. Holding his gun he walks toward us. "Either do what we say, or die." He spat.
Rah chuckled. "What just because we're smaller than you, you don't think we can kick your ass?"
'Normally I wouldn't say this. But I need to keep their attention towards me.'
She glares at her classmates with the gun and nod. She looks familiar to Rah but she can't quite put her finger on it.
'I need them not to notice her. I need her to be ready' Her dagger was already in her waist band. And she had a few shurikens for backup but she wasn't sure. Knives against guns had bad odds. She needed her rifle and she needed it now. But there was no way to get it.
The man laughed and walked towards Rah a few paces "Don't tempt me youngskin." He smiled creepily.

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