Part 2

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( my friend ) Rah got up, brushing the dirt on  her butt off. Growling, she grabs her things and begin to walk off. The old man turns, and within seconds, stops infront of her. She Holts to a stop, dropping her things and pulling out her dagger. "Listen here, old man. I dont belong in a group of ninjas. I'm a assassin raised in a family of assassins.  I kill for a living. I dont lock people up. I take lives. " She points her blade at him. " I'm too dark for your liking. And too fucked up for you to train." With on quick and smooth movement, her blade was back in her sheath. She begins to walk away but he stops her again.

"I know your past. I know your trauma. I've lived it myself. But I can help you master what you can not contain. I can help you learn." He points to her.

Rah rolls her eyes. Grabbing his arm, She pulls him to the side away from attention.

Within seconds, her hair was white as snow, her eyes red as blood and two small horns poke out from the sides of her head. "I am half devil. 1/4 angle and 1/4 human. My demon side can stop baking and my angle side can't stop thinking about murder and war." And again, in a blink of an eye. Her angelic formed appeared. With dirty blond hair, and four wings leaving her back. Her eyes no color human eyes can comprehend. Almost like a sunset with Celestial symbols as irises "You really think you can control me. HA! Good luck. I've been trying this for centuries. I've even tried dying. Hell don't want me because I'm a little angle. And heaven don't want me because I'm a devil. Fuck you, old man."  And with that, she was back to her human form. Her dark black hair fell to her face. " You can try. But you have 1 year. That's all I'll give you"

( me ) Lán watched Rah turn into a horned angel. She thought it was cool. But was slightly terrified. Wu watched Rah turn back and was delighted that Rah was going to give him a chance. " wonderful! I'm glad to hear you'll come with me. " Lán was a little bit embarrassed that she gave into the old man by a cute boy. And Rah gave into him in some epic way. Lán starred at the boy feeling more embarrassed. And realized just how cute he was.  She looked away when the boy looked back at her. " anyway... where are we going... and when. " she sounded kinda annoyed. Master Wu looked at her. " right we'll be going to the top of mount Ninjago. That's where my monastery is at. And as for the when we'll leave now. " Lán  looked at Wu a little more annoyed. " so no saying goodbye to my parents? You said I'd get to see them! Don't you think I should be able to say goodbye!? " master Wu stroked his beard. You can say goodbye but we're leaving now. Lloyd will accompany you to make sure you make it back to the monastery. " Lán rolled her eyes. " fine Lloyd let's go. " just then the boy walked to her and stood guard next to her. She then started freaking out inside. She thought to herself in her head " that stupid old man! He could definitely tell... " Lloyd smiled at Lán. " alright let's go. " she gave him a fake smile trying not to show the emotion she felt inside. She wasn't about to let this ninja get to her feelings. Even though she knew she had already developed a crush on him. " alright " Lán and Lloyd went off back to her place so she could say goodbye. The entire time they were walking Lán avoided eye contact and didn't talk to Lloyd unless he spoke to her. He only asked simple question like what was her favorite color and her favorite food. He could tell she was uncomfortable so he stopped. They got to her place and she looked at Lloyd. " I'm gonna go in for a bit. Stay out here or my parents are gonna think your my boyfriend or something stupid like that. " Lán went in and hugged her parents. She had to briefly explain what was going on. Her parents didn't really understand. But they trusted her to go where she wanted. So the three hugged each other said their goodbyes. She went back out and saw Lloyd sitting down by the little pond nearby. " come on let's go. " Lloyd stood up and they walked to the base of the mountain.

Meanwhile the rest of the group had already made their way to the monastery. The ninja and master Wu gave Rah the tour of the monastery and the gardens in the back. The garden was filled with fruits and vegetables. It was also filled with plenty of greenery and flowers.

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