So, why can't you see?You belong with me

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Rogue burned with rage as his best friend, Sting Eucliffe, ranted about his hundredth failure at romancing the guild's one and only celestial mage, Yukino Aguria. Honestly, couldn't this idiot realise that I have feelings for him? I mean, he's so distracted by his undying love for Yukino that he has failed to notice that she clearly has a thing for Minerva.

Okay, maybe Rogue and Stings' situations are similar; I mean, unrequited love, right? But for goodness' sake, Rogue has been giving clear signs since the grand magic games ended, and this idiot just stutters whenever Yukino's near him, saying absurd things. The only thing he's made her realise is that he belongs in an asylum.

Maybe Rogue could date someone else; he tried that. He thought he had found a really good partner and felt he was finally getting over his feelings for Sting, but just as that ship set sail, the captain tore the sails. Rogue was left a sobbing mess, his heart broken and betrayed. It was then that he realised that people aren't always what they seem.

"Are you even listening to me?" asked Sting, with a stern expression on his face.

"Of course I am; I'm sure she'll notice soon; perhaps you should be a little more confident and open about it," he responded.

"Why the hell am I sabotaging my chances?" Rogue, though, kept to himself.

"Yeah, you're right, thanks, bud," Sting said, to which Rogue snorted noticeably at "bud," fortunately because Sting was too busy plotting his next plan, he failed to notice.

At that moment, Minerva walked in to inform them of their combined mission with the Fairy Tail guild as part of the council's attempt at enhancing relations between guilds. As the twin dragons, joined by Yukino and Minerva, made their way to that entrance of the guild, they heard a loud noise: "Sting, Rogue, over here!" Salamander yelled, overjoyed. He was joined by none other than his crew, except for one unfamiliar face. With his blue hair and breathtaking chocolate eyes, he was definitely recognisable if they had ever met him before.

As brown eyes met red, Rogue felt a strange sensation flow through him. What was that overwhelming feeling?

The man introduced himself as Kai Hardwen, a new member of the fairy tale guild. Let's just say that for better or worse, this will be an interesting mission.

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