Bad Blood

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Did you have to do this?
I was thinking that you could be trusted
Did you have to ruin
What was shining? Now it's all rusted

"So, what's the mission about this time, if we're done in time maybe we can hit the springs" stated Gray, who for the millionth time 'forgot' his shirt. The statement was met with enthusiasm as a certain blue haired mage averted his gaze from Gray, a slight shade of red visible on his cheeks. The group soon learned that the mission required the group to solve the mystery behind the disappearances in Raven town. Everything from cats to dogs to citizens of the town, it's all been going missing, and their job is to find out why.

As the rather large group made its way to Raven town, Rogue walked up to Kai. Introducing himself he said,

"Hey, I'm Rogue,I saw you at Fairy Tail a couple weeks back. Let's try out best to get along". 

Rogue really wasn't the best with introductions, so forgive his over the top, enthusiastic sounding statement. 

Kai scoffed, returning with the statement "You really don't remember me do you?". And before Rogue could say anything else, Kai walked off, leaving behind an annoyed and confused Rogue. "The hell does he mean?" Rogue thought.

Upon reaching the town the team acquainted themselves with the mayor, who explained that the disappearances occurred near a cave in the town, now known as Cave of Mystery. The group sweat dropped at the name, "how creative" they thought. The group decided to split into groups and search the cave for any creature or hints as to where the missing people could be. The groups consisted of Natsu, Lucy and Gray in one team, the other team consisted of Minerva, Yukino and Ezra and lastly, Rogue, Sting and Kai.

The three group agreed to search the cave for 1 hour, each team in different direction, and if anything went wrong they were told to cast a signal using their magic. As the teams split, Rogues group went left of the cave, looking around they noticed carvings on the wall, strange and rather graphic, people being burned in fiery pits or being fed to hungry creatures of the night. Think everyone agreed that this mission was going to take awhile, they just prayed it wouldn't take a gruesome turn. 

Through the entirety of the search however, there're was little communication and Kai seemed to have a snarky remark for every comment that Sting made, and safe to say it annoyed the hell out of Sting. As the group went further down the cave, they noticed certain belongings lying around, which they contained in a bag that Sting had brought. As the investigation grew longer, Sting spoke up "Come on, can't we hurry, I still have to plan how to tell Yukino I like her, she still doesn't notice me".

Then came the remark of dear Kai Hardwen, "Not surprised, a jerk like you doesn't deserve a girl like here".

This made Sting snap and Rogue want to drop dead, "What's your problem man, why do you hate me so much"

"Because you broke Mona's heart" Kai replied, bitterness evident in his tone.

"Mona? Who the **** is she?" Sting yelled, overwhelmingly annoyed.

Now Rogue was confused, who was Mona, and what did Kai mean by "You really don't remember do you". Why does he feel like he knows Kai somehow, and why doesn't her remember how?


Taking a break from all the confusing revelations going on with Rogue and the bickering two, let's meet up Lucy, Gray and Natsu. The ice mage and dragon skater were, as usual, butting heads and Lucy wanted Lucy kick them into the sky. So, she decided to avert the topic from who's the strongest to a certain blue haired mage.

"Hey guys, don't you think Kai was actin* a bit strange, he seemed to completely hate Sting and it felt like he was hiding something" Lucy stated. The two knuckleheads stopped for a second and thought, "Huh, she's right, he was acting weird".

"You're not wrong about that Lucy, even saw him staring at Rogue a couple of times" said Gray.

The two exchanged curious glances before looking at Natsu, who appeared to be deep in thought.

 "Uhh, Natsu, you got anything to share?" Asked Lucy.

"Huh, what, who're we talking about" he stated in a dazed and confused state, to which his blonde and black haired guild mates facepalmed.

Little did they all know, this was going to be the start of something unexpected, the mission won't drag on though, but it will give us a big nudge towards the open arms if drama.

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