And so it goes

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Staring at each other, Rogue and Sting could not help but feel as if they were being watched. The silence was heavy in the air and it was difficult to breathe--it was almost as if something was holding them hostage.

Rogue noticed Kai glancing at him from time to time, his eyes piercing through his soul. He seemed to be trying to communicate something with those eyes, but Rogue couldn't figure out what it was. He had seen this look many times before when Rogue was around Kai, but it never felt so intense before now.

The air was thick and heavy, like a fog. It was hard to breathe.

Sting watched Rogue in his peripheral vision as he stood silently, waiting for someone to speak. He wasn't sure who Mona was--or how they had known her--but he knew it wasn't good news.

Staring at each other in silence, the two were lost in their own thoughts. They hadn't seen or heard anyone else since they had arrived here, but that didn't mean anything. Maybe someone else had been there before them and were just waiting for them to leave--or maybe Kai was right, maybe this cave was haunted.

Kai took a deep breath and walked off. Rogue stared at him with wide eyes as he left the spot, leaving them alone again.

Rogue and Sting were walking through the cave, their eyes wide open as they searched for any sign of suspicious activity. They had been searching for hours, but so far they had found nothing. The air was thick and heavy, almost like a storm was brewing in the distance.

"I don't get it," Rogue mumbled to Sting as he looked around. "theres nothing here."

Sting nodded his head in agreement and kept walking through the cave until he reached a wall of rock that seemed to be blocking their path forward."I think we have to go back," he said quietly so that only Rogue could hear him."We'll just keep searching until we find something else."

Sting and Rogue were sitting in silence, stunned by the discovery of Mona's existence. They had no idea who she was or how they knew her, but she was there, and it was clear that something big was coming.

Sting thought about Kai's behavior towards him and Rogue throughout their brief time together, and he realized that something wasn't right. He'd been watching Kai closely since their argument earlier that morning, but now he felt like he could trust his instincts more than ever before. He glanced over at Rogue, who seemed to be lost in thought as well; they were so close together it looked like they might fall into each other's arms at any moment.

Sting and Rogue were in the middle of a staring contest when they heard a little girl's voice.

"Hello?" The girl said, her voice weak and scratchy. "I'm Mona."

Rogue looked at Sting, who was looking back at him with his brows furrowed. "Who is this?" Rogue asked the little girl.

"I'm your friend," Mona replied weakly. "You're Rogue right?"

Rogue nodded slowly and before the two could react, the figure disappeared, golden and shining before disappearing. Now they were freaked out, was this Kai's doing?

Rogue turned around to see Kai behind him, towering over him. He gulped, stepping away as their faces grew inches apart. Kai smirked slightly, barely noticed before walking off. The hell was that? Thought Rogue.

"Hey," Rogue said, trying to regain his composure. "What was that?"

Kai looked back at him and smiled before turning away again. "Oh nothing," he replied as he walked off into the cave once more. What was up with his sudden change in personality. 

As they scanned for the hundredth time, they decided to head back, informing the other group as well. They all agreed to search in the morning, but through a different area. They said their goodbyes and headed off to their rooms, but a single question lay on Rogues mind, what was up with Kai? And thus his night was spent in confusion and the retrieving of zero sleep. Little did he know that his life was about to become a lot more confusing. 

Who's Mona? And what was up with that disappearing little girl?

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