Ignored and Annoyed

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I wait by the door like I'm just a kid
Use my best colors for your portrait
Lay the table with the fancy shit
And watch you tolerate it
If it's all in my head tell me now
Tell me I've got it wrong somehow
I know my love should be celebrated
But you tolerate it


It had been a while since the mission took place, turns out the towns people had been lured to an underground mine to dig up treasure buried there. Sting and Rogue were still creeped out by their encounter in the cave and the strange behaviour of Kai. However, as usual, Sting left it alone and went off on his pursuit for Yukino's heart. Rogue was becoming extremely annoyed--he'd done everything he could to have Sting notice him, done nice things for him and even consoled him when he needed it most--but when he sees Yukino? He completely ignores Rogue!

Rogue couldn't believe it! He even tried talking to Sting about how much he cares about him but all Sting would do was ignore him completely! It was getting worse by the day! Then again maybe he just needs a reminder? A little nudge into his mind that this is still his friend after all?

Rogue began to become more and more irritated by this behaviour from Sting until eventually exploding at him during a visit to fairy tail saying "How can you just ignore me like that?!" "You know how much I care about you!"Sting looked over at Rogue with a confused look on his face before asking "What's wrong?"

Rogue was now even more frustrated, he took a deep breath and just walked off. As he stood in an isolated area of the guild, Kai approached him, a blank expression on his face. He looked at Rogue before sympathetically asking "Are you alright?"

Rogue was confused again, what's with Kai's multiple different moods "Um, yeah, just frustrated that's all" he said slowly, wondering why he was even talking to him. Kai nodded before walking off. 

A minute later Rouge saw him standing next to a statue of Master Mavis. After a while Rogue decided he wasn't fine and needed someone to talk to, so he got up and went over to where Kai was leaning.


"uhh, hi? Do you need something"

"Nothing really, just realized we haven't been getting along"

Kai raised an eyebrow at the comment before speaking

"Well, we can skip the introduction and you can tell me why you're so gloomy"

Rogue hesitated for a moment before saying "So... Sting been ignoring me the entire time since we got back and I'm honestly just fed up. Do you ever get that feeling to just smack someone repeatedly? Because that's what I feel like doing".

Kai looked shocked for a moment before nodding in agreement and saying "You've been stressed out a lot lately. Is that the reason?"

"Well yeah, I told you it annoys me. Are you mentally present right now?" said Rogue, sarcastically.

"What are you talking about? Of course, I am!" said Kai very nonchalantly, with a hint of confusion.

"It was a joke," Rogue said nervously, this was getting awkward.

"Oh, I see. I just assumed... Never mind." said Kai.

They were both silent for a while, each of them lost in their thoughts.

"Well, can I tell you something?" said Rogue, peeking Kais interest.

"Thing is, I kind of have a crush on Sting and I'm annoyed and hurt that he keeps ignoring me and pushing me aside"

Kai paused for a few seconds before saying "Wait what?".

"I know, it's unexpected but I managed to fall for an idiot," said Rogue defensively.

"Rogue... do you mean you really like Sting?" asked Kai, surprised.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying," said Rogue.

"Wow... are you serious?" said Kai incredulously.

"Yep!" replied Rogue.

"I'm gonna' be honest with you; I don't know him all that well. So I can't pass any judgment, but if disregards your feelings then I don't think he's the best option" said Kai awkwardly. The mood was comfortable and awkward altogether, when did these two become so close? This wasn't how Rogue thought this conversation would go at all. He was hoping that he could ask Kai for advice and maybe develop a friendship but this turned out to be something completely different. And surprisingly, he liked it. It felt nice to be open and honest with someone for a change. They spent the rest of the day together talking and getting to know each other better. For the first time in a while, Rogue felt happy and carefree. He didn't expect to become so well acquainted with Kai, but the problem still stands, why did Kai mention all those things in the cave and why is he so different now? Another mystery to add to the list. However, for the time being, he decided to put aside his worries and enjoy the time he had with Kai.


When Rogue got home it was late in the afternoon, "Where were you?" Sting asked, appearing from his room.

"With Kai" stated Rogue.

"With that jerk" spat Sting angrily.

"What are you talking about?" said Rogue, confused.

"Hello! The cave, his rudeness, the weird things he was saying" said, Sting.

"Well, I'm sure he had a reason, besides, he seems genuinely nice, maybe he even feels sorry. Also, you can't dictate who I hang out with or not," replied Rogue, agitated.

"That's fine, but don't expect me to tolerate it if you'll keep spending time with him," said Sting, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Seriously, after the way you've treated me the past week," said Rogue heatedly.

"Look, I'm sorry if I seem a little cold to you sometimes, it's just that I'm trying hard to impress Yukino, I like her," said Sting.

"Well in that case then maybe you should make an effort with me too" retorted Rogue, exasperated before proceeding to storm off. Well, it seems that their argument is still far from over.

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