~part | 7 the park

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He rested his head on his arms, I grabbed an apple pie and placed it in front of him "here, on me" he looked up at me and then back at the apple pie blushing letting out a soft "thanks"

Your POV
I served customers as yuri was sitting down eating his apple pie,

"Y/n your shift over" another girl that worked for my aunt said, I nodded and turned to yuri

"Want to go to the park?" I said taking off my apron,he turned to me with a confused face

"Why?" He responded
"Well yuri and victor are gone-" he turned to the table where yuuri and victor were supposed to be then turned back letting an "ugh" out

"Come on it will be fun" I shrugged

"Alright, fine" he said and I nodded, I went to the back and changed my outfit while yuri finished his apple pie, I put on my regular clothes and put the cat ears on my bag. I walked outside to see yuri waiting for me, I snuck up behind him, I hugged his shoulders screaming
"AAAAH!!!" He screeched as I bursted into laughter, I let go of him and apologized
"You could've given me heart attack dumbass" (bakugo vibes) he grabbed his chest panting

"Heeey did I scare you that bad that your cheeks turned pink?" I let out my last giggles before poking his red cheek
He shooed my hand away saying
"No, you're just imagining things"
"Yeah sure, now come on let's go" I laughed and grabbed his hand walking towards the park.

No ones POV
Yuri was looking down at their hands being together, I swear when he's around this girl any single thing can make his face go so red it puts tomatoes to shame,

They reached the park while y/n was making small talk with yuri

"So why did you come to Japan yurio?"Y/n asked out of the blue, yuri started to think for a bit then responded
"Well victor had actually promised me he would help me with my program for an upcoming competition" he clenched his fist "but he broke his promise to come here to coach that pig" y/n pouted from his words
"Heeeey no need to be so mean to yuuri" y/n looked yurio straight in the face
"F-fine, let's sit down for a moment" yuri said while sitting down on a bench y/n sitting beside him
"I have a question for you," yuri started
"Lay it on me" y/n said smiling
"Why did you... quit ice skating?" Yuri asked, y/n quietly thought
"Well I never quit figure skating, I quit the competitions" y/n chuckled and yuri rolled his eyes
"You know what I mean" yuri chuckled
"I quit competing because... because of my coach, he made competitions and practice a living hell for me, he would tore me down with his words every single day, he made me practice until I couldn't stand anymore" y/n let go of yuri's hand And fiddled with her fingers
"So I moved to Japan with my aunt and have lived here for around a year" y/n looked up to the trees as she talked
"The day the flower dies and the beauty of the garden disappears" yuri mumbled, y/n chuckled
"What was that?"y/n giggled
"It was what the day you disappeared was called" -y
"Well that's a long title, anyways enough sob stories let's take a selfie" y/n took out her phone and pulled yuri with her arm she took a picture of them together and looked at the picture after
"Hmmm it's missing something" y/n thought as yurio mumbled in the back

"Oh I know" y/n pulled out the cat tears from her bag and placed them on yuri's head
"What.." y/n pulled him in again and took another selfies then look at that one
"DeLetE It!" He took off the cat ears
"B-besides they look b-better on yo-you anyways" he gently placed them on y/n's head and took her phone and took a picture with his red face and her pink face

"Now that's p-perfect" he handed the phone back to her
"Thanks yuri" hearing his real name come out of her mouth made the boy way more nervous
"Why don't we go home" y/n suggested and yuri nodded.

After yuri walked y/n home they stood in her front step
"Thank you for walking me home yuri" y/n smiled
"It's whatever"he looked away
Y/n smiled got bigger and she hugged yuri tight
"Thank you, I had fun with you today" aaaaand yuri finally hugged back
"I know you'll do great in the competition" y/n said and yuri smiled
"I'll see you tomorrow yurio" y/n turned and went inside waving at him before closing the door
Yuri waved back then turned with the biggest smile on his face and he went to yuuris house.
Dats it👍

{Yuri x reader} ~my flower~Where stories live. Discover now