Chapter 9

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We waited in line, Iroh in front of Zuko and I while our arms were linked together. Ever since I left my family, Zuko was my top priority, including Iroh of course, but I'm sure he could take care of himself. A frown came onto my face as I thought about my siblings expressions, when I told them I was leaving. They just looked so heartbroken and betrayed. I hope they're doing okay.

"Hey." I heard a soft voice whisper and I looked to Zuko who looked at me bothered. "You okay?"

I let out a breath and smiled at him. "Yeah, I'm just tired. No biggie."

We made it up to the front desk as the lady scanned our tickets. "So, Ms. Jasmine, Mr. Lee and Mister...Mushy, is it?"

I snickered which caused Zuko to nudge me. "It's pronounced Mushi." Iroh corrected with a sweet smile.

The lady then looked back at him displeased. "You telling me how to do my job?"

Iroh stuttered a bit before swiftly rushing to her. "Uh, no no no. But may I just say, you're like a flower in bloom." I made a disgusted face while covering mine and Zuko's eyes. "Your beauty is intoxicating."

"Mm, you're pretty easy on the eyes yourself handsome." I heard her purr. "Welcome to Ba Sing Se." She stamped our tickets and handed them over to Iroh. Iroh then came to us, smiling widely and proud.

"We're gonna forget we saw that." Zuko grabbed our tickets and handed me mine. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we all walked out of the room and into the train station.


Finally sitting down at a waiting spot, we waited for our train to arrive. It was so boring that I started to admire Zuko's little features. His hair was growing out which made him look even more attractive. Not to mention that his golden eyes looked so beautiful, I was finding comfort in them.

He caught my gaze and gave me a quizzical look. "What?"

I smiled sweetly. "Did I ever tell you that you're adorable?" I leaned on his shoulder and poked his cheek.

His cheeks flushed a shade a pink while he cleared his throat. "Thank you."

Unfortunately, my mood was soon crushed as soon as Jet sat by us. "So, you guys got plans once you're inside the city?" I rolled my eyes and sat up, my head leaving Zuko's shoulder.

"Get your hot tea! Finest tea in Ba Sing Se!" A man yelled pushing a cart of tea.

Iroh quickly raised his hand and yelled for Jasmine tea. I, however, wasn't in the mood for 'my' tea. When Iroh was handed his cup, he took a sip and instantly made a 'yuck' sound. "Coldest tea in Ba Sing Se is more like it. What a disgrace." I patted his arm as he pouted.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" Jet asked Zuko, who obligately got up and followed. I, too, tagged along close to Zuko. "You and I have a much better chance of making it in the city if we stick together. You wanna join the Freedom Fighters?" Jet asked causing me to narrow my eyes at him. I stayed behind Zuko so Jet wouldn't notice much of me.

"Thanks, but I don't think you want me in your gang." I grabbed Zuko's hand which he gripped back.

"Come on, we made a great team looting that captain's food." Jet persuaded which irritated me more. "Think of all the good we could do for these refugees."

"I said no." Zuko turned away, bringing me along with him. I know Jet might mean well, but I could not see Zuko as a Freedom Fighter. He would be his own worst enemy.

"Have it your way." Jet muttered as he glared at us.

His expression suddenly changed in a flash to fury and confusion in a matter of seconds. I averted my eyes from his line of sight and saw that Iroh was firebending his tea. Panic ran across my features until I masked it with a glare to Jet. He took one last look at us before finally walking away. I sighed feeling restful.

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