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Narutos POV-

I woke up to the vibration of my doorbell and groaned, I had only slept about 20 minutes the night before. I was working on a commission art piece and it took longer than expected.

Jiji called me and the Hokage tower for some reason. He sent the dumb ANBU, which I can't understand because of their masks. I can't see their lips so it was impossible to make out what they were saying. I didn't have my hearing aid which made it 10x worse. They help a little, but I can't hear fully; Maybe the faintest of mumbles.

Eventually I got the memo when they pointed to the tower.


I arrived at the tower, my hearing aids still not charged. I always forget. I was ready to receive any lecture he decided was needed for my growth and development. I walked into his office, expecting to be aggressively signed at for an hour, but to my surprise, the rookies were there. Now I'm not a ninja myself, I do have a lot of training from my godfather, Jiraiya. Why would I need to be here with the ninjas? All the kids my age has just graduated the academy, it's crazy how I'm the only one that decided to take a different path in life.

They were all looking at me weirdly, like I walked into the middle of a Warfield or something.

Jiji must have done something because they all shifted their attention from me to him in a millisecond.

He was signing what he was saying which was always nice. I was reading his lips and watching his hands so I could stay tuned into his speech. It was about how the village is too crowded and how we need more houses to be empty, he was talking about how this will cut future costs and make it more efficient. I was getting impatient because I've been sitting still too long and he just wasn't seeming to get to the point.

Then, he dropped the bomb. Everything leading up to this point didn't prepare me for the pure insanity that was evident in his decision.

He wanted us..to marry each other?!

They all screamed at the same time and it felt like static ran straight into my hearing aids.

I screamed and ripped them out of my ears. I put my hands over my ears and pull my knees to my chest.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a hand, a really hot one, reach down and pick up my hearing aids. I felt those same hands snake around my shoulders and hug me tightly. The person was blowing on my neck, a weird, but effective method to calm me down.

They slipped the aids back into my ears and helped me stand. They walked in front of me, and damn was he HOT. He started signing to me, asking if I was alright. I nodded my head and turned back to Jiji. This guy was the only one who still seemed calm and collected, that's what made him even hotter. The laziest and most laid back people are always freaks in bed.

Jiji started reading off the newly formed couples. He said he did evaluation on everyone individually, that our pairs are specifically picked to be compatible. He decides that since there was 9 of us, he would pair us in a couple of 3. That caught me off guard, but I can't protest.

Sasuke, Choji & Ino

Shino, Sakura & Hinata

Me, Shikamaru & Kiba.

oh Lord..

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