A Tiring Mission

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Part 27: A Tiring Mission

"Where are you taking me?!" Wakko shouted. He hadn't been unconscious for very long, which was unfortunate for the Atoks.

"Shut it, kid." The green monster hissed.

Wakko didn't need the Atok to say it, he knew exactly where he was going.

The same cell his siblings were trapped in.

He still didn't know what they needed him for.. were they going to give them to King Salazar? Were they going to experiment them? Were they going to hurt them..?

He guessed he'd have to wait and see.

He blinked back his focus once he heard the sound of a portal open.

Wakko looked at the tiny portal before being thrown in. He rubbed the back of his head where he had landed the hardest.

"WAKKO!" Two familiar voices screamed.

"Huh..?" Wakko moaned. His eyes completely widened when he realized who they belonged to.

"Yakko! Dot!" Wakko shouted back.

The trio immediately hugged as tight as they could.

Dot and Wakko hadn't realized, but Yakko was not only crying of joy because his younger brother was alright - for the most part - but also of misery because he didn't know a way to get them out of here safely.

The three of them let go simultaneously with a very brief smile on their faces. But they immediately disappeared when they heard Dot coughing.

Wakko was concerned, and that feeling grew when he heard Yakko start coughing too.

He realized what was happening.

The gas.

Wakko was the last to cough. He watched his siblings fall to the ground and not move, and he did likewise a second later.

The only thing he could think of before he completely blacked out was the Comet Observatory.

It would stay stranded forever now..

And it was all his fault for not fighting back more than he should have against the green monster.

Wakko immediately opened his eyes and gasped at the awful nightmare. It took a moment for him to realize that he was not in the dark palace, but his siblings still were. He was still in Bubble Breeze, with no green Atok in sight.

He assumed the star buddies scared it off before it could successfully nab him, which he greatly appreciated.

"You okay?" a voice questioned.

Speaking of the star buddies..

Wakko looked at Adrian, who was the Luma that first spoke.

"What?" Wakko cocked his head.

"I said, 'you okay?'" Adrian responded.

"Oh, yeah, just a nightmare."

"A nightmare? About what?"

"Where the Atok successfully took me.. nothin' much."

Adrian just blinked. "Well, I can say that didn't and will not happen with pride."

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