Broken and Alone

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Shoto's P.O.V : they had both had s"x and they then heard a phone ring and it was shigaraki.."did you kill him yet?! You said you would drug him and sleep with him and kill him that's it..." Shoto was slightly awake and pretended to be sleep.."I'll get the job done today don't worrie..." and then Dabi put cuffs on Shoto and went to the kitchen and started to grab torcher items Shoto quickly got up silently and then tried to use his ice quirk and then couldn't...they was quirk blocking gloves..."I know your awake Shoto...even if I kill you now you can't say I raped you" said Dabi grabbing a knife "I knew you was awake so I put a syringe in you to calm ur nerves to make you drained so even if you try to fight you will be knocked out already this is the last time you will be awake Shoto..." ...."Ah-...AH...—" said a pained Shoto "well I dident even touch you yet.." Shoto was getting contractions earlie " I-it will be the last thing y-you do..." ...Shoto was having a hard time breathing and was getting pale ...Shoto quickly jumped on Dabi getting the hand cuffs around his neck choking him...Dabi passed out but Shoto knew he wasn't dead..*flash back* "Tounya...W-where are you going?..." said little Shoto "I'm sorry Shoto but I can't stay here..." "please don't leave me..." Shoto started to get teary.. I'm sorry sho.. with that Tounya kissed little Shoto and left *flash back ends* Shoto let's go of his neck "DAMN IT"
Shoto broke a window and left the apartment and he climbed down a latter that was hooked up to the wall ..Shoto had no idea how to take the quirk wrist bands off so he started learning how to fight without his quirk Shoto has tons of cuts on his arms and legs from his father, his brother , the league..Shoto thought on this..and it was windy outside and he could not hear anything...all he could hear is Shoto...Shoto...SHOTO!!!Shoto Shoto...Shoto...he was having a mental breakdown untill he felt a hand on his shoulder....he saw blurs of blonde spiked hair....but behind him was eijiro kirishima and midnight useing her Saminon dust to make him black out...Shoto woke up on a white floor with white all around him....he was also tied up with Straitjacket he just got up going to the window where the entire class 1 A was watching in disappointment momo was turned around crying karmanari was looking sad but playing with his fingers every time he made contact with Shoto izuku...was talking to the police trying to convince them to let him in and they finally did.."Sh-Shoto what have gotten into you... you was so determined to be a hero and how ur just a..." a voice cut in "Villan!" "You disappoint me Shoto!" Said iida tenya "IM NOT A VILLAN" said Shoto shouting ..a doctor came in showing a syringe Shoto soon used his leg combat ability's to tackle down a doctor with the shot izuku soon tried to hold Shoto but Shoto dodged Shoto tried to use his quirk and then "AH-" izuku had kicked his stomach...and now Shoto is on the ground ..."damn it"...izuku soon sees a tiny scratch on his shoulder he lifts up his straight jacket coat a little revealing a huge scar that his father gave him...and izuku soon sees why Shoto is acting weak he sees a growing baby bump..."y-your pregnant"..."it's none of ur business midoria" everyone gasp except Bakugo and aizawa...the number 1 and 2 pro hero's soon arrived and went into Shoto's white room and then endeavor walked in with disappointment and anger "why have you done all this boy , you was suppose to be my masterpiece!" ... "I'm tired of you wanting me to surpass someone that you can't even do yourself if you hate all might why are you so obsessed with him?" *Kick in the face* erasure walked in while everyone look a little relieved that they felt like Shoto is weak..."watch what you say Shoto" said endeavor "Okay that's enough endeavor" said erasure head "Tch...." endeavor walked out the room and left the asylum Doctors soon came in to chain Shoto to the wall while class 1 A watched some felt bad some felt relived *3 hours later* class 1 A left and shoto had a plan all along *time rewind* while the doctors came in a key had fell out of the doctors pocket so he put the key under his Tongue *present time* Shoto had seen a vent so he then opened it barely with his mouth twisting and turning he soon went thru a bunch of vents and finally found a exit but wax thru a garbage can so he then unlocked his straitjacket and left the crazy asylum he was very far away from Japan so he followed the class van truck to the he got in the city he had no where to go so he then went to a store and stole some props for a disguise he went in a dressing room and looked in the mirror and touched the mirror seeing his face he looked upset and just cut his hair and put on the disguise he wasn't happy with his look but he said it will do...

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