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it's very little but i just wanted to put a TW

"Fuck!" exclaimed Leta as she accidently rolled her suitcase over her foot.

"Again? Jesus woman, open your eyes." said Alexei in French, laughing.

"Oh no, yeah I'm sorry that you took so long to get ready that now we're late and I need to walk so fast." replied Leta in French.

" Dépêchez-vous les gens!" exclaimed their manager, Lisa. ["Hurry, people!"]

"Hurry! Hurry!" said Antonie, their other manager.

"Jesus, we're coming!" said Theo loudly in French.

"Lets hope we don't miss the flight." joked Clemente, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Lets pray, because who knows what will happen if we do miss it." said Lisa, walking even faster through people.

The band and their manager did make it in time and as they boarded the plane they could finally relax.

"I still can't believe this is happening." said Clemente in disbelief.

"Trust me, Clemmy, me too." said Leta, smirking as the two walked up the steps to the plane Lisa in front of them and Theodore along with Alexei behind them. Clemente rolled his eyes at the nickname his best friend and bandmate always gave him when trying to joke or annoy with hin.

"We want to be engaged in your conversation too!" said Alexei as he quickened his pace and stood next to Leta whilst Theo went to stand next to Clemente.

"We're talking about Eurovision, how we get to represent our country." said Clemente, smiling truly. "God, I never thought this would happen when we started out those six years ago."

"We were just little kids who were stupid enough to believe they could represent Eurovision by playing on the streets of Paris." said Theo. "But, we still made it."

We all smiled at each other and then all hugged.

"I love you guys." Leta said into the hug.

"I love you all too." said they said back.

"Now lets go and rip the place apart!" said Theo turning around to face the two as they stopped for Lisa and Antonie to show their plane tickets to the attendants.

They then started walking into the plane, the flight attendant wishing them luck at Eurovision as they passed and the four thanking her.

"Alright, it looks like Theo and Clemente are sitting with me and Alexei along with Leta are sitting with Antonie." said Lisa giving everyone their tickets but not before looking at them herself.

"Right! Well come on kids! See you after the flight." said the grey-haired man.

"Make sure they eat something!" said Lisa, raising her brows at Leta. "This young lady tends not to eat much, as you already know."

"Yes, Lisa, I know. Don't worry, I'm a fifty-six year old man I think I know how to take care of two twenty year olds." said Antonie, laughing.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so stressed." said Lisa.

"Wait, I thought we were meant to be stressed." said Alexei blankly.

"Yeah, me too." agreed Leta.

"Now's not the time, off we go to our seats." said Antonie as the three rushed off.

"Look at the lovebirds, they're going to sit together." said Alexei, in an overly sweet tone.

"Lets just hope they don't do anything next to poor Lisa." joked Leta.

"Yeah, let's not go down that road." said Alexei, laughing.

The two twenty year olds were playing a card game when the announcement came that they were about to take off and that, as soon as they were off the ground, flight attendants would be coming around with snacks and beverages.

Antonie was already snoring in his seat, asleep.

"How can people sleep on planes?" asked Alexei, he was a light sleeper for him anywhere but sleeping in a quiet bed was absolutely impossible.

"I guess they just kind of . . . do." answered Leta as both looked at Antonie.

They could feel the plane shake as they started on the runway and before they knew it, they were already in the air.

"Voudrais tu quelque chose?" asked the flight attendant asked, smiling at the two sweetly. ["Would you like something?"]

"Juste de l'eau, merci. Tu?" said Leta, turning around to Alexei. ["Just water, thank you. You?"]

"Un sandwich au jambon serait sympa" said Alexei and the flight attendant nodded, looking through her trolley to find those things. ["A ham sandwich would be good."]

She finally gave the two their things and wished them a good flight and good luck for Eurovision.

"OK, now how do you open this table thing?" asked Alexei more to himself really.

Leta just took the plastic table attached to the seat in front and pulled it towards her and it opened.

"Like that." she said simply.

Alexei pulled it but it wouldn't budge and so he looked closly at it and started pulling again.

Leta watched him very carefully as he pulled and pulled until it opened smacking him hard in the face.

"Shit!" he whisper-shouted whilst Leta burst out in laughter.

She was laughing so hard that she had to lay her head on Alexei's shoulder to calm herself but didn't success when she heard Alexei laugh too and she started laughing again.

"Stop! I need to calm down." she said in between laughs.

"I'm not doing anything." said Alexei laughing. "OK, but that really did hurt, though." he said, touching his nose.

"I'm sorry I laughed, I couldn't help it." said Leta, chuckling. "God, I wish I recorded that."

"It's fine. I laughed when we were playing pool wars yesterday and you slipped fell off my shoulders." he said, laughing at the memory.

"It's called payback time, sweetheart." said Leta, smirking.

A/N: I'm sorry it took so long, but it's up now!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this and make sure to vote and comment! I hope that this fanfiction will come a long way and I'm super excited for it!

Have an incredible rest of your day or evening really now, unless you're fron somewhere long away from me. ❤️❤️ LOVE YOU ALL BYE BYE!!

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