S I R I U S / R E M U S

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OF LONDON DANCED ACROSS THE WET PAVEMENT in a full array of colours and patterns.

It should have been beautiful. One of the biggest reasons she had left her country of birth.

Her love for the rainy, wet weather that rolled across the city skies with its pitter-patter and twinkling in the bright lights of London.
As a foreign student, it had captivated her enough to change her citizenship.

Her heart pounded painfully against her chest as if though she had just been running for her life.
The insides of her torso felt all switched up and upside down.
Nothing felt right.

It was the first time in her life that she couldn't appreciate the rain.

Normally she would love nothing more than sticking her head out the window and drinking it in, much to the scolding of her husband.

But the only thing to be appreciated that night would be pain, loss and the birth of something new entirely.

The words from the talking, red telegram still attached themselves to her brain.

"Mrs. Black, this is Healer Spingot from St. Mungo's. Your husband, Auror Black, was unfortunately caught up in a horrible massacre tonight when a group of deatheaters attacked him and his friend Mr. Petegrew. I'm afraid that your husband doesn't have much longer. He has a lot of internal damage and our healers are doing everything they can. It just doesn't seem to be enough."

(Y/N) Black gripped onto her pink polkadotted umbrella tightly and clutched her pregnant belly while trying to garner the attention of a magic bus nearby. She couldn't waste a minute. Not when she was so close to her due date.

"Oh, come on!" She yelled when the bus ignored her and drove right past her. In a fit of frustration she threw down the umbrella.

Sometimes she really hated being a muggle.

The one thing he loved most about her was the one thing she wished away on an almost daily basis.

(Y/N) was so upset that she didn't notice the stranger approaching her as she ran her hands through her (H/C) hair.

"Are you alright Ma'am?"

She shook her head, trying to clear up the tears in her eyes. "My husband is in hospital and no one can take me; the bus just drove past me, and the doctor said he doesn't have much longer."

Salty tears found their way into her mouth at an alarming rate.

It didn't take her long to realise who was talking to her. "Mr. Moody?" She asked, shivering in the cold rain.

"Come with me lass, we were already on our way to come and get you." The auror led her towards the ministry's black car, opening the door for her to slide in next to two of other people. Her mother and father.

The moment she saw them she cracked and held onto her mother. The older woman started rubbing her back in circular motions, trying to calm her down. "I know." Her voice cracked.

The suspense was terrifying.

More terrifying than any obsticle that she had ever faced in her entire life.
More terrifying, at this stage, than the thought of giving birth.

Its funny how your fears can change in an instant.

"How did you know I'd need a lift?" Her scratchy voice matched the tone of her body language, carefully peering up at Moody from behind the driver's seat.

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