D R A C O • M A L F O Y

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Magic and Muggles and Mice, Oh My!

"D O N ' T J U S T S T A N D T H E R E
- do something, Draco!"

He calmly placed the Daily Prophet down on the table before giving his muggle wife the side eye. The woman was standing on the chair next to him, bordering on hysterics as she pointed to a mouse in the corner of the bright and airy kitchen.

The little creature looked up at him with a similar look; one all men shared in regards to their women. The unspoken look. It seemed as though males of all kinds could recognize the look with little effort.

"What would you like me to do about the mouse?" He kept his time light and refrained from rolling his eyes at her.

"Magic him from existence or something! You're a wizard; can't you just make it go away?" She was trying to bite back the tears forming in her eyes.

Draco bit his tongue and wondered if she would ever change. He knew how the moment would play out. Same as it always has.

He took out his wand, only for his wife to reprimand him.

"Don't hurt him!"

"I won't, darling. I know you never meant to say the things you did." Draco levitated the mouse out of their home and smiled at her. "Silly muggle, your heart is much too soft."

He walked over to her and helped her gently down the chair. "But it's what I love about you." He nuzzled her nose with a smile he reserved only for her.


It was late and it came to me in the form of a short fluff. Enjoy ♥️

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