An adventure

15 1 0

Elena's POV

I hadn't been able to sleep, but as I just started to dose off I heard someone go downstairs.

Elena- great

I tried to go back to sleep for a couple of minutes but it was pointless. I sighed and then got up. I took my blanket off my bed and wrapped it around me. Even though it was the start of winter, my room was quite hot so I only wore a vest and shorts to bed. I opened my door slowly and quietly and headed downstairs. As i got closer to the kitchen I heard singing. I got nervous at first but then realised as I got to the kitchen door that it was Andy. I opened it a tiny bit to see he was sitting outside the door with his guitar.

Andy- oooh, if I can't help falling in love with you...

My heart dropped. What if he's talking about me? I went to leave when I heard him starting to cry. I opened the door and started walking over to him.

Elena- Andy?

He jumped and then sniffed

Andy- Elena. What are you doing up?

Elena- I couldn't sleep, what are you doing?

Andy- oh I couldn't sleep either so I thought to sing to myself to help

Elena- then why are you crying?

I sat next to him. It was dark but I could just make out his face

Andy- oh it's nothing

Elena- you sure?

He nodded, I wanted to know what he was upset about but I know I needed to respect his privacy

Elena- Andy you know you can tell me anything right?

Andy- I know that, and the same with you

I nodded

Elena- here

I wrapped my blanket around him. Bringing us close together. We sad there in silence for a little while. I felt his arm go around me. I moved closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

Andy- I'm probably not going to sleep for a little while. How about we go on an adventure?

Elena- to where?

Andy- I don't know. Want to go and see the sunrise?

Elena- yeah I would

Andy- great. I'll go and get some bits and meet me in the car

Elena- who's car?

Andy- yours?

Elena- okay

We headed upstairs. I didn't bother changing. I put on some trainers and put my hair up in a ponytail. I took my bag and my phone and headed back downstairs with my blanket still around me. I headed out to my car put my things on the back seat. A couple of minutes later Andy came out with a bag of things. I didn't question it

Andy- I'll drive, I know a good place to go

Elena- great

I threw him my keys and got inside the passenger seat as quickly as I could.

Andy- ready?

I nodded. The car started and we drove off.

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